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Do Not Feed

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Plants by A-Z (S)

 Feed Sparingly

Safflower (Saffron Thistle)
Carthamus tinctorius

 Feed in Moderation

Salvia officinalis

 Feed Sparingly

Onobrychis viciifolia; Onobrychis spp.

 Feed in Moderation

Salad Burnet, Garden Burnet, Small Burnet
Sanguisorba minor

 Feed Sparingly

Salvia spp.

 Do not Feed

Sambucus Nigra (Cut Leaved Elder, Common Elder/Elderberry; Black Elder)
Sambucus Nigra

 Safe to Feed

Saxifrage (Stonebreaker, Stone Breaker, Rockfoil, Golden/Opposite Leaved Saxifrage)
Saxifraga spp; but esp. S.fortunei, S. rotundifolia, S. epiphylla, S. stolonifera

 Feed in Moderation

Scabious (Scabios, Field Scabious, Pincushion Flower)
Scabiosa spp.; Knautia arvensis

 Do not Feed

Scarlet Pimpernel (Poor Man's Weatherglass, Red Chickweed)
Anagallis arvensis

 Feed Sparingly

Scentless Mayweed (Mayweed, False Chamomile)
Matricaria perforata; Tripleurospermum inodorum

 Do not Feed

Scilla spp.

 Safe to Feed

Scotch Thistle (Cotton Thistle)
Onopordum acanthium

 Feed Sparingly

Scurvy Grass (Scurvy-grass, Scurvygrass, Early/Danish/Estuarine/Common/English Scurvy Grass, Spoonwort, Scruby Grass)
Cochlearia spp.

 Safe to Feed

Sea Holly
Eryngium spp; esp. Eryngium maritimum and Eryngium bourgatii

 Do not Feed

Seaside Daisy (Sea Daisy, Seaside Fleabane, Beach Aster)
Erigeron glaucus

 Safe to Feed

Sedum (Stonecrop)
Sedum spp.

 Do not Feed

Sedum Acre (Biting Stonecrop, Gold Moss, Wall Pepper)
Sedum acre

 Safe to Feed

Sedum Album (White Stone Crop)
Sedum album

 Safe to Feed

Sedum Reflexum
Sedum reflexum; syn. Sedum rupestre

 Safe to Feed

Sedum Spurium (Dragon's Blood Sedum; Tricolour Stonecrop; Two Row Stonecrop)
Sedum spurium

 Feed in Moderation

Self-heal (Selfheal, Self Heal)
Prunella spp.

 Do not Feed

Sensitive Plant (Mimosa, Humble Plant, Touch Me Not, Shameplant)
Mimosa pudica

 Feed Sparingly

Shasta Daisy (Marguerite, Giant Marguerite)
Leucanthemum superbum, syn. Chrysanthemum superbum; Chrysanthemum maximum

 Feed in Moderation

Shepherd's Purse (Shepherds Purse)
Capsella bursa-pastoris

 Safe to Feed

Shining Cranesbill (Shiny Geranium, Shining Geranium, Shining Crane’s-bill)
Geranium lucidum

 Do not Feed

Shrimp Plant (Mexican Shrimp Plant, False Hop)
Justicia brandegeana; syn. Beloperone guttata

 Do not Feed

Shrubby Milkwort (Milkwort, Box-leaved Milkwort, Creeping Milkwort)
Polygala chamaebuxus

 Do not Feed

Silk Tree (Persian Silk Tree, Mimosa)
Albizia julibrissin

 Do not Feed

Silky Oak (Red Silky Oak/Kahili Tree)
Grevillea banksii

 Do not Feed

Silver Ragwort (Senecio, Dusty Miller)
Senecio cineraria; Jacobaea maritima

 Feed Sparingly

Silver Saxifrage (Encrusted Saxifrage, Stonebreaker, Stone Breaker)
Saxifraga (Section Ligulatae)

 Feed in Moderation

Silverweed (Silver Weed, Common Silverweed, Silverweed Cinquefoil)
Potentilla anserina; syn. Argentina answerina

 Do not Feed

Sisyrinchium (Pale Yellow-eyed Grass, Pale Yellow Eyed Grass, Pale Yellow Eye Grass)
Sisyrinchium striatum

 Do not Feed

Skimmia (Japanese Skimmia)
Skimmia japonica

 Feed Sparingly

Smoke Tree (Smoke Bush, Smokebush, Smoketree, Cotinus)
Cotinus spp (esp. C. coggygria, C. obovatus); syn. Rhus cotinus

 Do not Feed

Sneezeweed (Helen's Flower, Sneeze Weed, Dogtooth Daisy)
Helenium spp.

 Do not Feed

Sneezewort - Garden (Sneezeweed, Fair Maid of France, European/Bastard/Wild Pellitory)
Achillea ptarmica

 Do not Feed

Sneezewort - Wild (Sneezeweed, Fair Maid of France, European/Bastard/Wild Pellitory)
Achillea ptarmica

 Feed in Moderation

Snow in Summer
Cerastium tomentosum

 Do not Feed

Symphoricarpos spp.

 Do not Feed

Galanthus nivalis

 Do not Feed

Snowflake (Summer Snowflake, Spring Snowflake, Loddon Lily)
Leucojum spp.

 Do not Feed

Soapwort (Bouncing Bet, Wild Sweet William, Soapweed)
Saponaria officinalis

 Do not Feed

Solomon's Seal (Solomons Seal)
Polygonatum spp.

 Do not Feed

Sorrel (Common Sorrel, Sheep Sorrel, Sheep's Sorrel )
Rumex acetosa

 Safe to Feed

Sow Thistle (Smooth Sowthistle, Annual Sow Thistle, Hare's Colwort, Prickly Sowthistle, Field Sowthistle, Perennial Sow Thistle, Spiny Sow Thistle)
Sonchus spp. esp. Sonchus oleraceus

 Safe to Feed

Spear Thistle (Bull Thistle, Fuller's Thistle, Scotch Thistle, Common Thistle)
Cirsium vulgare

 Feed Sparingly

Veronica spp., esp. Veronica arvensis

 Feed in Moderation

Sphagnum Moss
Sphagnum spp.

 Feed Sparingly

Spider Flower ( Mountain Bee Plant, African Spider Flower, Cleome)
Cleome; esp. Cleome hassleriana

 Safe to Feed

Spider Plant
Chlorophytum comosum

 Feed Sparingly

Spiked Speedwell (Beach Speedwell, Garden Speedwell, Veronica Speedwell)
Veronica longifolia; syn. V. spicata, Pseudolysimachion longifolium, P. maritimum

 Do not Feed

Spinacia oleracea

 Safe to Feed

Spiraea (Baby's Breath Spirea, Steeplebush, Spirea)
Spiraea spp.

 Safe to Feed

Spotted Deadnettle (Spotted Dead Nettle, Spotted Henbit)
Lamium maculatum

 Do not Feed

Spotted Laurel, Japanese Laurel, Japanese Aucuba
Aucuba japonica

 Do not Feed

Spotted Spurge (Creeping Spurge, Prostrate Spurge, Milk Purslane, Spotted Sandmat, Eyebane, Blotched Spurge)
Euphorbia spp. esp. E. maculata, E. serpens

 Do not Feed

Spring Starflower (Ipheion)
Ipheion uniflorum

 Feed in Moderation

Spurrey (Spurry; Sand, Sea, Rock, Corn Spurrey)
Spergularia spp.

 Feed Sparingly

Cucurbita spp. esp. Cucurbita pepo; Cucurbita maxima; Cucurbita moschata

 Do not Feed

St John's Wort (St Johns Wort, Rose of Sharon, Tutsan, Sweet Amber)
Hypericum spp.

 Feed Sparingly

Staghorn Sumac (Stag's Horn Sumach)
Rhus typhina; syn. Rhus hirta

 Do not Feed

Star Jasmine (Confederate Jasmine)
Trachelospermum jasminoides

 Do not Feed

Statice (Sea Lavender)
Limonium spp.

 Do not Feed

Stinking Mayweed (Dog's Fennel; Stinking Chamomile)
Anthemis cotula

 Feed in Moderation

Stitchwort (Stitch Wort, Greater/Lesser Stitchwort, Chickweed)
Stellaria spp.

 Feed in Moderation

Stocks (Night Scented Stock)
Matthiola spp.

 Feed Sparingly

Storksbill (Common Storksbill; Redstem Filaree)
Erodium cicutarium

 Feed Sparingly

Fragaria spp.

 Do not Feed

Striped Squill (Puschkinia, Squill)
Puschkinia scilloides

 Feed in Moderation

Helianthus annuus

 Feed Sparingly

Swede (Rutabaga, Yellow Turnip, Neep, Turnip, Swedish Turnip)
Brassica napus; syn. Brassica napobrassica

 Do not Feed

Sweet Box (Christmas Box)
Sarcococca confusa

 Do not Feed

Sweet Chestnut (Chestnut, Marron)
Castanea spp.

 Do not Feed

Sweet Pea
Lathyrus odoratus

 Do not Feed

Sweet Pepper (Green Pepper, Pepper, Capsicum, Bell Pepper)
Capsicum spp.

 Do not Feed

Sweet Potato
Ipomoea batatas

 Feed Sparingly

Sweet Woodruff
Galium odoratum

 Feed in Moderation

Swinecress (Wartcress; Lesser Swinecress; Lesser Wartcress)
Coronopus squamatus; Coronopus didymus

 Do not Feed

Sycamore ( Sycamore Maple)
Acer pseudoplatanus

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