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Do Not Feed

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Plants by A-Z (O)

 Do not Feed

Oak tree
Quercus spp.

 Safe to Feed

Oat (Oatgrass, Oat Grass, Oats, Wild Oats)
Avena spp.

 Feed in Moderation

Oilseed Rape (Rape, Oil Seed Rape)
Brassica napus

 Feed Sparingly

Okra (Lady’s Fingers, Ladies Fingers, Bhindi)
Abelmoschus esculentus

 Do not Feed

Nerium oleander

 Feed in Moderation

Olea europaea

 Do not Feed

Onion (Garden Onion, Common Onion, Bulb Onion)
Allium cepa

 Safe to Feed

Opuntia Cactus (Prickly Pear/Nopales)
Opuntia spp.

 Do not Feed

Orache (Orach, Saltbush, Wheelscale Saltbush, Common/Spear-leaved/Garden/Red Orache)
Atriplex spp. esp. A. hortensis, A. patula, A. elegans

 Safe to Feed

Origanum vulgare spp.

 Do not Feed

Oriental Poppy
Papaver orientalis

 Do not Feed

Osteospermum (African Daisy, Blue-eyed Daisy, Cape Daisy, Blue Eyed Daisy, South African Daisy, Cape Marigold, Spoon Daisy)
Osteospermum spp; Dimorpotheca spp..

 Feed in Moderation

Ox-eye Daisy (Oxeye Daisy, Ox Eye Daisy)
Leucanthemum vulgare, syn. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum

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