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Do Not Feed

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Plants by A-Z (Y)

 Do not Feed

Yarrow (Cultivated)
Achillea millefolium

 Do not Feed

Yarrow (Wildflower) (Milfoil, Common Yarrow)
Achillea millefolium

 Safe to Feed

Yellow Archangel (Yellow Deadnettle, Variegated Yellow Archangel)
Lamium galeobdolon; Lamium galeobdolon argentatum

 Do not Feed

Yellow Corydalis (Yellow Fumitory, Rock Fumewort)
Corydalis spp

 Feed in Moderation

Yellow Loosestrife
Lysimachia vulgaris

 Do not Feed

Yellow Rattle (Cockscomb, Rattle Basket, Hay Rattle)
Rhinanthus minor

 Do not Feed

Yellow Toadflax (Common Toadflax, Butter and Eggs)
Linaria vulgaris

 Do not Feed

Yellow-eyed Grass (Yellow Eyed Grass, Yellow Eye Grass, Golden-eyed Grass)
Sisyrinchium californicum

 Do not Feed

Yew (English Yew, Common Yew, European Yew)
Taxus baccata

 Feed in Moderation

Yucca (Palm Lily, Adam's Needle, Joshua Tree)
Yucca spp.

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