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Do Not Feed

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Plants by A-Z (H)

 Safe to Feed

Harebell (Hare Bell, Bluebell, Bellflower)
Campanula rotundifolia

 Safe to Feed

Hawk's-beard ( Hawksbeard )
Crepis spp.

 Safe to Feed

Hawkbit (False Dandelion, Desert Chicory)
Leontodon spp.

 Feed in Moderation

Hawkweed (Hieracium)
Hieracium spp.

 Safe to Feed

Haworthia spp.

 Do not Feed

Crataegus spp.

 Feed in Moderation

Hazel (Filbert, Kentish Cob, Cob)
Corylus spp.

 Safe to Feed

Heartleaf Iceplant (Baby Sun Rose; Aptenia)
Aptenia cordifolia

 Feed in Moderation

Erica spp.

 Feed in Moderation

Calluna spp.

 Safe to Feed

Hebe spp.

 Feed in Moderation

Hedge Mustard (Common Hedge Mustard, Oriental Mustard, English Watercress)
Sisymbrium officinale

 Safe to Feed

Hedge Woundwort
Stachys sylvatica

 Do not Feed

Heliotrope (Turnsole, Indian Turnsole, Cherry Pie)
Heliotropium spp.

 Do not Feed

Hellebore (Christmas Rose)
Helleborus spp.

 Do not Feed

Hemlock (Poison Hemlock)
Conium maculatum

 Do not Feed

Hemp Agrimony (Joe Pye Weed)
Eupatorium cannabinum; Eupatorium purpureum

 Do not Feed

Hemp Nettle (Hempnettle)
Galeopsis tetrahit; Galeopsis bifida

 Feed Sparingly

Henbit (Henbit Deadnettle)
Lamium amplexicaule

 Do not Feed

Herb Hyssop (Hyssop)
Hyssopus officinalis

 Do not Feed

Herb Paris (True Lover's Knot, Devil-in-a-Bush)
Paris quadrifolia

 Feed in Moderation

Herb Robert
Geranium robertianum

 Feed in Moderation

Heuchera spp.

 Safe to Feed

Hibiscus (China Rose, Shoeblackplant, Chinese Hibiscus, Mediterranean Hibiscus, Shoe Flower)
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

 Safe to Feed

Hibiscus (Rose of Sharon)
Hibiscus syriacus & spp.

 Do not Feed

Himalayan Balsam (Policeman's Helmet, Poor Man's Orchid)
Impatiens glandulifera

 Do not Feed

Himalayan Honeysuckle (Leycesteria, Pheasant Berry)
Leycesteria formosa

 Feed in Moderation

Hoary Cress (Whitetop, White Top)
Lepidium draba; syn. Cardaria draba

 Do not Feed

Hog Weed (Common Hogweed, Hogweed)
Heracleum sphondylium

 Do not Feed

Ilex aquifolium

 Safe to Feed

Alcea rosea

 Feed in Moderation

Lunaria annua, syn. Lunaria biennis

 Feed in Moderation

Lonicera spp.

 Do not Feed

Honeywort (Cerinthe; Blue Shrimp Plant)
Cerinthe major; Cerinthe retorta

 Feed in Moderation

Hop Clover
Trifolium campestre

 Do not Feed

Humulus lupulas

 Safe to Feed

Ceratophyllum spp.

 Do not Feed

Horse Chestnut (Chestnut, Conker Tree, Buckeye)
Aesculus spp.

 Feed in Moderation

Horseherb (Horse Herb, Straggler Daisy, Lawnflower)
Calyptocarpus vialis; syn. Synedrella vialis

 Feed Sparingly

Armoracia rusticana

 Do not Feed

Equisetum spp.

 Do not Feed

Horseweed (Canadian Fleabane, Mare's Tail, Hairy Fleabane)
Conyza canadensis (formerly Erigeron canadensis)

 Feed in Moderation

Hosta (Plantain Lily)
Hosta spp.

 Feed in Moderation

Hottentot Fig (Ice Plant, Iceplant, Pigface)
Carpobrotus edulis

 Safe to Feed

House Leek (Sempervivum; Hens and Chicks)
Sempervivum spp.

 Do not Feed

Hoya (Wax Plant)
Hoya spp.

 Do not Feed

Hyacinthus orientalis

 Do not Feed

Hydrangea spp.

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