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Do Not Feed

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Plants by A-Z (F)

 Do not Feed

Fairy Moss (Mosquito Fern)
Azolla spp.

 Feed in Moderation

False Castor Oil Plant (Japanese Aralia, Aralia)
Fatsia japonica

 Do not Feed

False Solomon's Seal (False Spikenard, Treacleberry, False Solomons Seal, False Lily of the Valley, Solomon's Plume)
Maianthemum spp., esp. Maianthemum racemosum; syn. Smilacena racemosa

 Do not Feed

Fat-hen (Lambs Quarters, Goosefoot, Fat Hen)
Chenopodium album

 Feed Sparingly

Foeniculum vulgare; syn. Anethum dulce, A. foeniculum, Foeniculum divaricatum, F. officinale, Seseli foeniculum

 Do not Feed


 Safe to Feed

Fescue Grass (Sheeps Fescue; Tall/Red/Blue/Creeping Red/Meadow Fescue)
Festuca spp.

 Do not Feed

Tanacetum parthenium

 Do not Feed

Fiber Optic Grass (Rusty Sedge)
Scirpus filiformis; Isolepsis gracilis

 Safe to Feed

Field Madder (Blue Fieldmadder, Fieldmadder)
Sherardia arvensis; syn. Galium sherardia

 Feed Sparingly

Field Maple (Hedge Maple, Common Maple)
Acer campestre

 Do not Feed

Fig Tree
Ficus carica and Ficus spp.

 Do not Feed

Figwort (Common Figwort, Water Figwort)
Scrophularia spp.

 Do not Feed

Fir (True Fir)

 Do not Feed

Firethorn (Pyracantha)
Pyracantha spp. (esp. Pyracantha coccinea)

 Feed in Moderation

Fittonia (Nerve Plant, Mosaic Plant)
Fittonia spp.

 Do not Feed

Flaming Katy (Kalanchoe)
Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana

 Do not Feed

Flamingo Flower
Anthurium andreanum

 Do not Feed

Flax (Linum, Linseed)
Linum spp.

 Do not Feed

Fleabane Daisy (Dainty Daisy; Summer Starwort, Mexican Fleabane)
Erigeron spp.

 Do not Feed

Flower-of-an-Hour (Flower of an Hour)
Hibiscus trionum

 Safe to Feed

Flowering Currant (Ribes)
Ribes sanguineum

 Feed Sparingly

Flowering Quince (Japanese Quince, Chinese Flowering Quince)
Chaenomeles speciosa; C. japonica; C. cathayensis

 Safe to Feed

Forget-Me-Not (Forget Me Not, Scorpion Grass)
Myosotis spp.

 Feed in Moderation

Forsythia spp.

 Safe to Feed

Fountaingrass (Elephant Grass, Fountain Grass, Foxtail, Pennisetum, Napier, Feathertop, Pearl Millet)
Pennisetum spp.

 Do not Feed

Four O'Clock Flower (Marvel of Peru, Four O'clocks, Four O Clock, Mirabilis)
Mirabilis jalapa

 Feed in Moderation

Fox and Cubs (Hawkweed, Orange Hawkweed, Hieracium, Devil's Paintbrush)
Hieracium aurantiacum, syn. Pilosella aurantiaca

 Do not Feed

Foxglove (Cultivated)
Digitalis spp.

 Do not Feed

Foxglove (Wild)
Digitalis purpurea

 Do not Feed

Frangipani (Plumeria)
Plumeria spp.

 Do not Feed

Freesia spp.

 Do not Feed

French Marigold (African Marigold, Marigold)
Tagetes spp.

 Safe to Feed

Friendship Plant (Pilea, Moon Valley Plant)
Pilea mollis; P. involucrata; P. crassifolia

 Do not Feed

Fringecup (Tellima, Fringe Cup, Fringecups, Bigflower Tellima, False Alum Root)
Tellima grandiflora

 Feed in Moderation

Frisée (Frisee, Escarole) Lettuce
Chicorum endivia

 Do not Feed

Fritillary (Snake's Head Fritillary, Snakes Head Fritillary, Siberian Fritillary, Mission Bells)
Fritillaria spp.

 Feed in Moderation

Fuchsia spp.

 Do not Feed

Fumaria spp.

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