A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All
Plants by A-Z (B)
Bachelors Buttons (Bachelor's Buttons, Mountain Cornflower, Perennial Cornflower)
Centaurea spp.; esp. Centaurea cyanus and Centaurea montana
Bacopa (Trailing Phlox)
Chaenostoma cordata, syn. Chaenostoma cordatum; formerly Sutera cordata, syn. Sutera diffusus
Baneberry (Doll's Eye, Bugbane, Black Cohosh, Herb Christopher, Snakeroot, Brunette Bugbane, Purple Bugbane, Black Bugbane)
Actaea spp.
Barrenwort (Barren Wort, Fairy Wings, Bishop's Hat, Bishops Hat, Horny Goat Weed, Epimedium)
Epimedium spp., esp. E.grandiflorum
Basket of Gold (Golden-tuft, Golden Alyssum, Gold-dust, Rock Madwort)
Aurinia saxatilis; syn. Alyssum saxatile
Bean (Runner Bean, French Bean, Green Bean, String Bean)
Phaseolus coccineus; P. vulgaris
Beauty Berry (Beautyberry, American Beautyberry, Purple Beautyberry)
Callicarpa spp., esp. C. americana; C. bodinieri
Beech (European Beech, Common Beech, Copper Beech, Purple Beech)
Fagus spp
Beetroot (Beet, Table Beet, Garden Beet, Red Beet, Golden Beet)
Beta vulgaris
Bird's Foot Trefoil (Common Birds Foot Trefoil, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Hairy Bird's Foot Trefoil)
Lotus corniculatus, Lotus subbiflorus
Bistort (Common Bistort, Alpine Bistort)
Persicaria bistorta syn. Polygonum bistorta; Persicaria vivipara
Black Mondo Grass (Ophiopogon, Snakes Beard, Lilyturf, Aztec Grass)
Ophiopogon spp.
Black-eyed Susan (Black Eyed Susan, Brown Eyed Susan, Coneflower, Rudbeckia, Yellow Ox-eye Daisy)
Rudbeckia hirta; Rudbeckia fulgida
Blanket Weed (String Algae, Mermaid Hair, Pond Scum)
Cladophora spp. Spirogyra spp., Mougeotia
Bleeding Heart (Dutchmans Breeches, Dutchman's Breeches)
Lamprocapnos spectabilis (formerly Dicentra spectabilis)
Blue Potato Bush (Paraguay Nightshade, Blue Lycianthes)
Lycianthes rantonnetii, syn. Solanum rantonnetii
Blue Sowthistle (Blue Sow Thistle, Common Blue Sowthistle, Alpine Blue-sow-thistle)
Cicerbita, esp. C. macrophylla, C. alpina, C. plumieri
Blue Star Creeper (Swamp Isotome, Matted Pratia)
Pratia pedunculata; syn. Isotoma fluviatilis, Lobelia fluviatilis, Laurentia fluviatilis
Blue-eyed Grass (Blue Eye Grass, Blue Eyed Grass, American Blue-eyed Grass)
Sisyrinchium angustifolium, Sisyrinchium montanum
Bluebell (English Bluebell, Spanish Bluebell)
Hyacinthoides non-scripta/Hyacinthoides hispanica
Bristly Oxtongue (Bristly Ox-tongue, Bristly Ox Tongue)
Picris echioides; Helminthotheca echioides; Helmintia echioides
Broom (Common Broom, Spanish Broom, Scotch Broom, English Broom, French Broom)
Cytisus; Genista, Chamaecytisus; Spartium
Burclover (Spotted Medic, Spotted Burclover)
Medicago arabica; M. maculata
Burnet (Greater Burnet, Common Burnet, Sanguisorba)
Sanguisorba officinalis, S. canadensis
Burning Bush (Burningbush, Kochia, Fireweed, Firebush, Mexican Fireweed, Summer Cypress, Belvedere)
Bassia scoparia; syn. Kochia scoparia
Butterbur (Common Butterbur, Bog Rhubarb)
Petasites hybridus, syn. P. vulgaris, P. officinalis, P. ovatus