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Plants by A-Z (A)

 Feed in Moderation


 Safe to Feed

Abutilon (Flowering Maple, Chinese Lantern)
Abutilon spp.

 Feed in Moderation

Acca (Pineapple Guava, Feijoa)
Acca sellowiana; syn. Orthostemon sellowianus

 Feed Sparingly

Acer (Maple, Japanese Maple)
Acer spp.

 Do not Feed

Aconite (Monkshood, Wolfsbane)
Aconitum spp.

 Safe to Feed

Aeonium spp.

 Safe to Feed

African Violet

 Do not Feed

Agapanthus (African Blue Lily)
Agapanthus spp.

 Feed Sparingly

Agave (Century Plant)
Agave spp.

 Do not Feed

Ageratum (Floss Flower)
Ageratum houstonianum

 Safe to Feed

Air Plant (Tillandsia)

 Safe to Feed

Alexanders (Horse Parsley, Smyrnium)
Smyrnium olusatrum, S. perfoliatum

 Do not Feed

Alfalfa (Lucerne)
Medicago sativa

 Do not Feed

Allium spp.

 Feed in Moderation

Aloe (Aloe Vera)
Aloe spp; esp. Aloe vera, syn. Aloe vulgaris/Aloe barbadensis

 Do not Feed

Alstroemeria (Peruvian Lily, Parrot Lily)
Alstroemeria spp.

 Feed in Moderation

Aluminium Plant (Pilea, Silver Tree, Friendship Plant)
Pilea cadierei; Pilea spruceana

 Feed in Moderation

Alyssum (Sweet Alyssum)
Alyssum maritimum; Lobularia maritima

 Do not Feed

Amaryllis (Hippeastrum)
Hippeastrum spp.

 Do not Feed

Anemone spp.

 Do not Feed

Angel's Fishing Rod (Angels Fishing Rod, Dierama, Fairy's Fishing Rods, Fairy's Wand)
Dierama spp.

 Do not Feed

Angel's Trumpet (Angels Trumpet) - Brugmansia
Brugmansia spp.

 Feed Sparingly

Angelica (Garden/Herb/Wild Angelica, Holy Ghost, Wild Celery)
Angelica archangelica; Angelica sylvestris

 Feed in Moderation

Annual Wall Rocket (Wall Rocket, Stink Weed)
Diplotaxis muralis, syn. Sisymbrium murale

 Safe to Feed

Antirrhinum (Snapdragon, Snap Dragon)
Antirrhinum spp. esp. Antirrhinum majus & antirrhinum siculum

 Feed Sparingly

Apple (Fruit)
Malus domestica

 Feed Sparingly

Apple (Tree)
Malus domestica

 Feed Sparingly

Apricot (Fruit)
Prunus armeniaca

 Feed Sparingly

Apricot (Tree) (Flowering Apricot, Japanese Flowering Apricot)
Prunus armeniaca; Prunus armeniaca mume

 Do not Feed

Aquilegia (Columbine, Granny's Bonnet, Grannys Bonnet)
Aquilegia spp.

 Do not Feed

Arisaema (Jack in the Pulpit, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Cobra Lily)
Arisaema spp.

 Do not Feed

Arnica (European Arnica, Mountain Arnica, Common Arnica, Leopard's Bane
Arnica montana

 Feed in Moderation

Artillery Plant (Pilea, Gunpowder Plant)
Pilea microphylla

 Do not Feed

Arum Lily (Calla Lily)
Zantedeschia aethiopica

 Do not Feed

Ash (Common Ash, European Ash, Narrow-leafed Ash)
Fraxinus spp.

 Feed Sparingly

Asparagus officinalis

 Feed in Moderation

Aspidistra (Cast Iron Plant)
Aspidistra spp. (especially Aspidistra eliator)

 Safe to Feed

Aster spp.

 Safe to Feed

Astilbe (False Spiraea, False Goat's Beard, False Goats Beard)
Astilbe spp.

 Do not Feed

Astrantia (Masterwort, Hattie's Pincushion, Hatties Pincushion)
Astrantia spp.

 Do not Feed

Aubergine (Eggplant)
Solanum melongena

 Feed in Moderation

Aubretia (Aubrieta)

 Do not Feed

Primula Auricula

 Do not Feed

Autumn Crocus (Naked Ladies, Meadow Saffron)
Colchicum autumnale

 Do not Feed

Avocado Fruit (Alligator Pear, Avocado Pear)
Persea Americana, syn: Persea gratissima

 Do not Feed

Avocado Tree (Alligator Pear, Avocado Pear)
Persea Americana, syn: Persea gratissima

 Do not Feed

Rhododendron spp.

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