Yarrow (Wildflower) (Milfoil, Common Yarrow)

- Common Name: Yarrow (Wildflower) (Milfoil, Common Yarrow)
- Latin Name: Achillea millefolium
- Family Name: Asteraceae/Compositae
Yarrow contains furocoumarins which can cause eye problems in reptiles if they eat the plant and then are exposed to UVB from the sun or artificial lights, so best to avoid feeding, although if your tortoise happens to eat a small amount there is no cause for worry.
The lacy double pinnate leaves are a distinguishing feature of the Yarrow, which can be found both in the wild and grown as a decorative plant in gardens. Although the Wild Yarrow can grow to a height of between 25 cm (10in) -- 90 cm (36 in), when growing in lawns, hedgerows and grass verges it can be much shorter.
Flowers are mainly white, but can also be found in cream and pink. See Yarrow (Cultivated).