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Shrubby Milkwort (Milkwort, Box-leaved Milkwort, Creeping Milkwort)

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  • Common Name: Shrubby Milkwort (Milkwort, Box-leaved Milkwort, Creeping Milkwort)
  • Latin Name: Polygala chamaebuxus
  • Family Name: Polygalaceae
Growing no higher than 12 to 15 cm ( 5 or 6 ins.), this pretty little groundcover plant that flowers in early spring is not one to have in the tortoise diet.  Many species of Polygala contain high levels of saponins, which can act as an irritant in the gastrointestinal tract, and research shows that others contain coumarins.  We therefore feel that it would not be advisable to offer the Shrubby Milkwort to your tortoise.

The flowers are pea-like and bi-coloured and can be found in white/yellow, pink/white and lilac/yellow.
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