Spotted Spurge (Creeping Spurge, Prostrate Spurge, Milk Purslane, Spotted Sandmat, Eyebane, Blotched Spurge)
Do not Feed
- Common Name: Spotted Spurge (Creeping Spurge, Prostrate Spurge, Milk Purslane, Spotted Sandmat, Eyebane, Blotched Spurge)
- Latin Name: Euphorbia spp. esp. E. maculata, E. serpens
- Family Name: Euphorbiaceae
The milky sap (latex) of Spurges can cause inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth and digestive tract. The toxic component of the sap is euphorbon, which contains diterpenoids that are highly TOXIC and cause photosensitization, weakness, digestive tract irritation, contact dermatitis, and often death.
Never feed to tortoises and wear protective clothing when handling this plant. Although the flowers are mainly white, they often have a pink tinge.
Never feed to tortoises and wear protective clothing when handling this plant. Although the flowers are mainly white, they often have a pink tinge.