Sensitive Plant (Mimosa, Humble Plant, Touch Me Not, Shameplant)

- Common Name: Sensitive Plant (Mimosa, Humble Plant, Touch Me Not, Shameplant)
- Latin Name: Mimosa pudica
- Family Name: Fabaceae/Leguminosae
Members of the Mimosa genus are distinguished by the fact that their leaves fold and droop down when touched to reveal thorns on the stem as a defence mechanism from browsing animals and wandering feet.
The plants contain mimosine, a toxic alkaloid, and DHP which is a toxic goitrogen. Although there are reports of extreme toxicity in ruminants and other livestock, some sources say the level of toxicity to pets is low. We would advise you not to feed this plant to your tortoise, although if a few leaves are nibbled accidentally there should be no great cause for alarm.
Do not confuse with Acacia dealbata and Albizia julibrissin which are also called Mimosa but are different plants.