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Sambucus Nigra (Cut Leaved Elder, Common Elder/Elderberry; Black Elder)

 Do not Feed
  • Common Name: Sambucus Nigra (Cut Leaved Elder, Common Elder/Elderberry; Black Elder)
  • Latin Name: Sambucus Nigra
  • Family Name: Adoxaceae/Caprifoliaceae
All parts of Sambucus Nigra (or Common Elder/Elderberry) are TOXIC.  Although some parts of the Sambucus are more toxic than others, they all contain cyanogenic glycosides to some degree and the unripened berries and flowers also contain a toxic alkaloid, so the plant should be avoided.

There are various cultivars of the wild Common Elder/Elderberry grown as ornamental plants in the garden, for their attractive dark maroon lacy leaves and pink flowers, but these are no different from the Elderberry (which has white flowers) and should never be fed to tortoises.  See also Elder.
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