Search Results for Grass

 Safe to Feed

Pampas Grass
Cortaderia selloana

 Do not Feed

Fiber Optic Grass (Rusty Sedge)
Scirpus filiformis; Isolepsis gracilis

 Do not Feed

Grass Vetchling (Pea Vetchling)
Lathyrus nissolia

 Safe to Feed

Barley Grass (Barley)
Hordeum spp.

 Safe to Feed

Wheat (Wheat Grass, Wheatgrass, Common Wheat, Bread Wheat)
Triticum spp; esp T. aestivum

 Safe to Feed

Couch Grass (Quick Grass, Dog Grass, Witch Grass, Quack Grass)
Elymus repens, syn. Elytrigia repens; Agropyron repens; Triticum repens

 Safe to Feed

Oat (Oatgrass, Oat Grass, Oats, Wild Oats)
Avena spp.

 Safe to Feed

Cat Grass (Oat Grass, Wheat Grass, Orchard Grass, Barley Grass, Rye Grass)
Avena sativa; Triticum spp.; Dactylis glomerata; Hordeum spp.; Lolium perenne

 Safe to Feed

Fescue Grass (Sheeps Fescue; Tall/Red/Blue/Creeping Red/Meadow Fescue)
Festuca spp.

 Safe to Feed

Timothy Grass (Common Timothy, Common Cat's Tail, Meadow Cat's Tail)
Phleum pratense

 Do not Feed

Lily Turf (Border Grass, Monkey Grass, Spider Grass, Liriope, Big Blue Lilyturf, Aztec Grass)
Liriope spp.

 Do not Feed

Black Mondo Grass (Ophiopogon, Snakes Beard, Lilyturf, Aztec Grass)
Ophiopogon spp.

 Feed in Moderation

Cogongrass (Blood Grass, Japanese Bloodgrass, Blady Grass, Cogon Grass, Alang Alang)
Imperata cylindrica

 Do not Feed

Sisyrinchium (Pale Yellow-eyed Grass, Pale Yellow Eyed Grass, Pale Yellow Eye Grass)
Sisyrinchium striatum

 Do not Feed

Blue-eyed Grass (Blue Eye Grass, Blue Eyed Grass, American Blue-eyed Grass)
Sisyrinchium angustifolium, Sisyrinchium montanum

 Do not Feed

Yellow-eyed Grass (Yellow Eyed Grass, Yellow Eye Grass, Golden-eyed Grass)
Sisyrinchium californicum

 Safe to Feed

Forget-Me-Not (Forget Me Not, Scorpion Grass)
Myosotis spp.

 Feed Sparingly

Scurvy Grass (Scurvy-grass, Scurvygrass, Early/Danish/Estuarine/Common/English Scurvy Grass, Spoonwort, Scruby Grass)
Cochlearia spp.

 Feed Sparingly

Goose Grass (Cleavers, Stickywilly, Sticky Bud, Stickyweed, White Bedstraw)
Galium aparine, Galium mollugo, Galium album

 Safe to Feed

Fountaingrass (Elephant Grass, Fountain Grass, Foxtail, Pennisetum, Napier, Feathertop, Pearl Millet)
Pennisetum spp.

 Safe to Feed

Carex (Sedge)
Carex spp.

 Do not Feed

Red Bartsia (Bartsia)
Odontites vernus

 Feed in Moderation

Lady's Bedstraw (Ladys Bedstraw, Yellow Bedstraw)
Galium verum

 Safe to Feed

Maize (Corn)
Zea mays

 Do not Feed

Corn on the Cob (Corn, Sweet Corn, Sweetcorn)
Zea mays

 Safe to Feed

Kidney Weed (Dichondra, Wonderlawn, Mercury Bay Weed)
Dichondra spp.

 Safe to Feed

Field Madder (Blue Fieldmadder, Fieldmadder)
Sherardia arvensis; syn. Galium sherardia

 Safe to Feed

Millet (Proso Millet, Common Millet, Hog Millet, White Millet)
Panicum miliaceum

 Do not Feed

Yellow Rattle (Cockscomb, Rattle Basket, Hay Rattle)
Rhinanthus minor

 Do not Feed

Giant Cane (Arundo Donax, Spanish Cane, Wild Cane, Giant Reed)
Arundo donax

 Do not Feed

Common Knotweed (Knotweed, Prostrate Knotweed, Equal-leaved Knotweed, Wiregrass)
Polygonum arenastrum

 Feed in Moderation

Fargesia spp., Phyllostachys spp.

 Do not Feed

Primrose (English Primrose, Wild Primrose, Common Primrose, Native Primrose)
Primula vulgaris

 Do not Feed

Toadstool (Fungus, Mushroom, Fungi)
Amanita phalloides, Amanita virosa, Cortinarius rubellus and C. orellanus, Amanita pantherina, Amanita muscaria, Gyromitra esculenta, Clitocybe rivulosa, Boletus satanas, Agaricus xanthodermus, Omphalotus olearius, Gallerina marginata.

 Feed Sparingly

Mushroom (Toadstool, Fungus, Fungi)
Some of the common edible ones: Agaricus bisporus, Agaricus campestris, Lycoperdon perlatum, Cantharellus cibarius, Boletus edulis, Clitocybe nuda, Macrolepiota procera, Lentinula edodes, Pleurotus ostreatus