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Post by Tarajane77 » 26 Apr 2023, 12:32


Whilst sat shivering cloud-bathing I had a thought....I'm wondering if liquid seaweed fertiliser or just foraged seaweed could be used above the soil on tortoise plants??

Thankyou Jody
Jody K

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Re: Seaweed

Post by Nina » 28 Apr 2023, 19:34

So sorry to be late in getting back to you on this! Lin and I have been putting our very small brains together and double checking some things, but basically we think it is absolutely fine to use some liquid seaweed feeder, or foraged seeweed to put around tortoise plants (which we assume are growing in the garden). We were slightly curious as to where this foraged seaweed is coming from as we are pretty sure that you don't live very close to the sea! But maybe this heralds balmy holidays in the sunshine, foraging seaweed to transport at great expense back to the Peak District. :D :D


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Re: Seaweed

Post by Tarajane77 » 28 Apr 2023, 19:59

Oh Nina,

The thought of you and Lin debating my seaweed sources has had me in hysterics!!! I have a friend with two pathetically spoilt labradors and she's always at some random beach in all weathers. Now instead of a stick of rock, I'll request some seaweed.

Did you know I went to school with Dame Helen Mac Arthur?? So Wirksworth being landlocked doesn't stop us where the seas concerned!!

Thankyou and I wish you both a lovely long weekend.
Jody K

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Re: Seaweed

Post by Nina » 28 Apr 2023, 21:38

I didn't know you went to school with Helen MacArthur! I remember she lives somewhere in Derbyshire (Matlock maybe?). Did you sense that she was going to be famous one day?

Lol, I'm not sure which of us is furthest away from the sea -- you in Wirksworth or me in Oxford, but Lin wins hands down, as she is in St. Leonards on Sea, near Hastings, and I think we should ask her to pop down to the beach, forage some seaweed and, send you and Jemima a care package.

Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend!


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Re: Seaweed

Post by Tarajane77 » 03 May 2023, 10:24


I think Helen was a year above me, she came across as very reserved. I would imagine outside of her friend group, noone would know she sailed. Carsington water opened in 1991, so I'm sure this was a big boost to her endeavours.

My mum remembers her from when she took our infamous tortoiseHELL cat Jasmine to the vets for a booster. She worked there in the holidays and mum can see her now in elbow length bird of prey gloves trying to retrieve Jasmine from a bookshelf after she'd climbed the walls to sit on it.

She lived in Whatstandwell which I've always found a very strange entity. It's on a shortcut we use to access the A6 if we want to avoid queuing at Cromford, and you can head up to Crich from there or the motorway. Lot's of remote houses tucked away and some retirement villages where children can only attend by appointment!!

Yes I think Lin should invest in a new bucket and laundry tongues for this new potential seaweed distribution venture!!!

I have gained a new foraging companion Norman!! He's my nieces whippet but often tags along. He attracts too much attention though with his cuteness.

Take care Nina/Lin, lovely chatting as always
Jody K

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