House cacti identification please

Use this forum for identification of plants and flowers found in the UK. To allow us to help provide accurate identification we need clear pictures of the whole plant, where it is growing and close up pictures of flowers, buds or seed heads if any available. It would also be useful to see pictures showing the leaf attached to the stem.
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House cacti identification please

Post by Zrichardson » 14 Sep 2017, 13:11

Hello can anyone identify these and if they are safe flr a horsefield please.
Thank you

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Re: House cacti identification please

Post by lin » 14 Sep 2017, 13:20

Hi Zoe.

The first pic is one of the Jade Plants and fine but as these can have a laxitive effect care should be taken and only feed in moderation. ... de&x=0&y=0
The next one is the Flame or Torch Aloe and again the same as the Jade in moderation.
And finally the Gasteria is fine in moderation.


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Re: House cacti identification please

Post by John » 12 May 2018, 11:29

Since most cacti have no leaves, they have a reduced area for photosynthesis and since photosynthesis is needed to produce sugars for growth, then the rate of growth is limited as a result. The availability of water is another limiting factor, as water is needed for photosynthesis. As water supplies are limited in the desert, then photosynthesis is further limited.
Some cacti go dormant for longs periods of time, as well, during which they do not grow at all. They tend to go dormant when it is very dry, or when it is very hot, depending on the species and location. This slows down the annual growth rate further.

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Re: House cacti identification please

Post by Nina » 12 May 2018, 13:01

Yes, that is true, John. Cacti are amazing plants. I have one that is fully hard outdoors in the winter (and it has even survived Canadian winters). It's called Opuntia compressa, and in the winter the pads go all shrivelled up and dead looking. This is because it deliberately loses water from its leaves to avoid damage if the water in the leaves should freeze. Then it the spring it plumps up again and is fine. It has lovely flowers too. Here is a photo of mine in flower. It's been sitting it a pot outside for four or five years now, because I've never quite found the right place to plant it in the ground.

Nina[attachment=0]m_opuntia compressa 2017 (2).jpg[/attachment]
m_opuntia compressa 2017 (2).jpg

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