Echeveria setosa anyone?

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Echeveria setosa anyone?

Post by CritterMama » 24 Apr 2021, 16:23

Hi everyone,

Because one of our critters is a Bearded Dragon, I have accumulated quite a few houseplants from the Crassulaceae (stonecrop) Family including Crassula ovata (jade plant), some varieties of sedum, and a bunch of Echeveria. Turns out this guy is way too rough on these poor plants and I had to take them out of his enclosure! But I digress. :D

With regard to the Echeveria, the Tortoise Table database lists "Echeveria (Hens and Chicks)" as Safe to Feed (but do watch out for the runs! :| ) Under the Latin Name, it says "Echeveria spp." which I read as "all species of Echeveria are Safe to Feed". Is that correct?

I have an Echeveria setosa that is going gangbusters right now. I'd like to start some new plants off of it, but I don't find this specific species listed. I want to make sure it's safe to put in the enclosure (Safe to Feed an added bonus!) Many thanks for your help.
Critter Mama

One Husband, one Bearded Dragon, one Panther Chameleon, one Labrador Retriever, and now a baby Hermann's Tortoise!

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Re: Echeveria setosa anyone?

Post by Nina » 24 Apr 2021, 19:29

Yes, you're right in thinking that the spp. means that the advice in the entry refers to all species of that genus, so Echeveria setosa should be fine to feed. And yes, large amounts of any succulent can result in the runs, but in reasonable amounts it should be fine. Bon appetit!


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Re: Echeveria setosa anyone?

Post by evawillms » 11 Oct 2023, 03:03

Echeveria plants are commonly cultivated as ornamental succulents and are generally considered non-toxic to animals, including reptiles like Bearded Dragons and tortoises. However, it's important to note that individual animals may have different sensitivities or reactions to certain plants, so it's always a good idea to monitor your pet's behavior and consult with a veterinarian specializing in reptiles if you have concerns.
Regarding Echeveria setosa, it's a specific species within the Echeveria genus. While I cannot provide specific information about its suitability for reptile enclosures, if the Tortoise Table database lists "Echeveria (Hens and Chicks)" as safe to feed and mentions "Echeveria spp." as safe, it is likely that Echeveria setosa falls into the safe category as well. However, it's always best to verify this information with reliable reptile-care resources or consult with a knowledgeable veterinarian to ensure the safety of your Bearded Dragon.

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