Worming advice

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Worming advice

Post by Tarajane77 » 27 Mar 2021, 12:06

So as Jemima had been a little off it i decided to do a worm count. Jemimas always been very idol, her prior owner did tell me this. It showed 120 epg of pinworm. So i rung my exotic vet and he wanted to see her. As i told him occasionally her 3rd eyelid is noticeable and her faeces really smelt the last few days he wormed her straight into her stomach 25th March, and she's back on May 7th for another treatment.

So she's currently on paper and not enjoying it!! I bath her daily and I'm really having to encourage her to eat but atm she has done so.

I'm just looking for advice as to how i can help her at the minute. After i bathe her for 20 mins and offer her food I'm putting her back in her table and just letting her be as not to upset her. Is there anything more i should be doing....bathing/soaking wise.

Also Jemimas exclusively fed on fresh foraged weeds and flowers and i thought i was very thorough washing them. Is there another method you could recommend?? The vet did tell me to add a minuscule amount of bleach when soaking my weeds, but i really don't feel safe doing this.

Also...we've got x2 days of really warm weather approaching. Jemimas new enclosure isn't ready yet, would you advise me letting her have some sunshine out on the grass in her temporary pen OR her indoor pen with a floor on it?? Or not at all as she's not well??

Thankyou and I'm sorry about all the questions,
Jody from Wirksworth xx[attachment=0]Screenshot_20210325-163611_CALEX SMART.jpg[/attachment]
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Jody K

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Re: Worming advice

Post by Nina » 27 Mar 2021, 13:26

Hi Jody,

Aww, poor Jemima. 120epg isn't actually that high, but probably high enough to treat.

Paper is the right surface for her to be on, but you do need to change it frequently, so that if she poos on it she doesn't get reinfected (and you might see some worms in the poo too). Do you know what medicine he wormed her with? Often I think the second dose is usually given about ten days after the first one, but it probably depends on the particular medicine and how big the dose was. The reason for a second dose is that the medicine kills the worms but not the eggs, so a second dose is necessary to kill the worms that hatched from the eggs that were already present.

I know they don't like being on paper, and I think you could let her go outdoors supervised, and I think the sunshine would be good for her. I would put her in an area where she doesn't usually go though, as if she sheds some eggs there, then she won't eat something with them on it and reinfect herself. Eggs can remain viable for some time, so it's best to put her outdoors in an area that she won't frequent next time. And if you see her poo in the bath, then take her out and change the water.

Hmm, I definitely would not put bleach into the water that you are using to wash her leaves. Just give them a nice wash and that should be fine.

Here's a little article on worms and worming from The British Chelonia Group, in case it is of interest to you.
http://www.britishcheloniagroup.org.uk/ ... /parasites
And let us know how she is getting on.


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Re: Worming advice

Post by Tarajane77 » 27 Mar 2021, 16:21

Hi Nina,

It's actually the 7th April she's going for her 2nd dose.
I didn't ask him what he'd wormed her with, i was too upset.

That's lovely i will pop her on our lawn, it's big enough so she won't be on the same part on a seperate day.

Yes any bath poos I would remove but she's kindly doing them post bath on her towels. Is urine ok to leave in the water??

The newspaper i am checking daily for faeces or urine, but she hasn't done anything in her table yet.

Her urines were quite gritty today, i always serve her food dampened....is there anything else you'd suggest to help hydrate her??

So only x2 questions, urine in bath and helping with hydration!!!

Jody K

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