He or she....

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He or she....

Post by Tarajane77 » 20 Dec 2020, 00:52


This is Jody from Wirksworth, who has Jemima from
Uzbekistan :shock: .

My last post was regarding Jemima imitating a zombie :mrgreen: . I'm not going to say she's now eating fantastically and getting up in the morning for fear of her lapsing into said character :evil: .

I wanted to thank you for all the help you have given me with her since i acquired her in May. Often I've come to you frantic with worry, and you've all been very kind. I feel like you give me lots of choices without inflicting an unreserved THIS WAY :D .

Also i want to wish you all the best possible christmas, whatever that may look like for each of you. Stay cheerful and most importantly stay safe 8-) .

On an end note, please find an unsubmitted Vogue shot of the lady in question. If you would like to update your emblem for 2021, i feel she is "potenSHELLY" the girl for you... :lol: :lol:

Obviously the "pantless" one is for a Jemima or Jeremiah theory. I appreciate she's only 3 yrs...but does a constantly flicking tail, and it rotating spiralled left to right and sticking it into the soil when she's static determine either or??? ( or is she a wierdo).

Thanking you all, Jody xx
Jody K

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Re: He or she....

Post by Nina » 20 Dec 2020, 07:01

Hi Jody,

How lovely you are to say such nice things about us! We think you're great too, and we wish you and Jemima a really super Christmas! It's been super to correspond with someone who obviously loves their tortoise so much and wants to give them the best life ever.

As you know, it's probably too early to sex Jemima, but I'm going to stick my neck out and say I think you might have a little Jeremiah there. The shape of the cloaca is more of a slit shape than an asterisk shape, and the shape of the anal scute is a broad 'U' shape rather than a sharp 'v'. The other thing is that Horsfields do tend to look female when they are young, but the only thing that is female looking that I can see in the photo is the length of the tail, which is still short (but males often also have a short tail when they are young). Here's a link to a site with some information on sexing tortoises. It's not definitive by any means, but have a look and see what you think? http://tortaddiction.blogspot.com/2013/ ... ex-of.html


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