Do I need to register my tortoise?

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Do I need to register my tortoise?

Post by Kingmoose » 11 Jun 2023, 14:49

Hello. We have recently taken in a ten year old Hermann. My question is, do we need to register this anywhere with anyone? We have a ‘European Union’ certificate / permit which outlines when it was hatched, that it was captive norm and bred. I guess this is the original CITES certificate? It has on it the name of the person who I guess originally sold it (I am guessing this as it includes the name of a business), not the people who we have rehomed it from. Guidance appreciates.

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Re: Do I need to register my tortoise?

Post by lin » 11 Jun 2023, 23:32

Hi Kingmoose
I hope you don’t mind but I am going to leave you in the good hands of my colleague Nina, as I think she is more clued up in this than I am.


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Re: Do I need to register my tortoise?

Post by Nina » 12 Jun 2023, 08:43

Hi Kingmoose (sorry, I don't know your name),

Congratulations in getting your Hermann's tortoise! Hermann's tortoises are in Annex A of Cites, and therefore you do need an Article 10 Certificate (which is the one you were given), but you won't need to do anything now, because that certificate will only come into play if you sell the tortoise. Here are the rules:
Annex A

These tortoises require a specific license to be able to buy and sell. It is called an Article 10 Certificate and there are two types depending on the situation:
-- Transaction Specific Certificate (TSC): This certificate is used when the tortoises being sold are too small to be microchipped and can only be done by the person listed on the certificate. The certificate will stay with the person named and photocopies can be given to those buying a tortoise. If you acquire a tortoise with a TSC, it should be your responsibility to get them microchipped when they are large enough.
-- Specimen Specific Certificate (SSC): This is for tortoises that have been microchipped and the certificate will remain with the tortoise for the entirety of its life.

The Article 10 Certificate is the legal requirement of anyone selling a tortoise in the UK. If you have this document but then you lose or misplace it, you will no longer be able to legally sell your tortoise, if your circumstances were to change.

The Article 10 Certificate includes the species name, the country of origin, the method of origin and the issuing authority; it does not include the health history of the tortoise or any distinguishing marks or features of the individual.

I hope that helps. The information talks about microchipping when the tortoise is large enough, but this is not a legal requirement, and it is debatable whether or not it should be done. Would you like a care sheet for Hermann's tortoises? I can give you one if you like.


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Re: Do I need to register my tortoise?

Post by salmawisoky » 25 Sep 2023, 09:22

I'm not a legal expert, but I can provide some general guidance regarding the registration of a ten-year-old Hermann tortoise. The requirements for registering a tortoise can vary depending on your location and local regulations. Here are a few general points to consider:
1. Research local regulations: Look into the specific laws and regulations regarding the ownership and registration of Hermann tortoises in your country or region. These regulations can vary, so it's important to understand the requirements that apply to you.
2. CITES certificate: The CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) certificate you mentioned is likely related to the international trade and movement of the tortoise. It's important to keep this certificate as it verifies the legality of the tortoise's origin and captivity. However, it may not be related to the registration requirements within your country.
3. Contact relevant authorities: Reach out to local wildlife or environmental agencies, herpetological societies, or exotic pet organizations to inquire about any registration or documentation requirements for owning a Hermann tortoise. They can provide you with accurate and up-to-date information on the necessary steps to take.
4. Ownership history: Make sure you have proper documentation or records of the ownership transfer from the previous owners to you. This could include a bill of sale or a transfer of ownership document. Maintaining a clear ownership history can be helpful when dealing with registration or permit processes.
Remember, it's important to comply with local laws and regulations to ensure the legal and ethical ownership of your Hermann tortoise. Consulting with local authorities or experts in your area will provide you with the most accurate and relevant guidance for your specific situation.

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Re: Do I need to register my tortoise?

Post by Lopead » 23 Jan 2024, 09:33

Thanks for the info

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