Hooked on Botany!

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Hooked on Botany!

Post by CritterMama » 03 Aug 2021, 21:02

UPDATE: I found this site which goes into excruciating detail :? in describing individual plant species and their component parts: http://www.efloras.org/index.aspx

My goal is to be able to describe a plant (that I am trying to identify) in botanical terms (super-nerdy-like! 🤓🤓) so I can then enter the information into a polyclave key tool and have it (voila!) spit out the answer for me! I'm having trouble articulating those details, so I've been looking for a site such as this which would let me start with their details for a plant with which I am familiar and then I could (hopefully) better understand what the heck they're talking about! :D For example, here is a link to the page for "Hibiscus" - a plant I know well: http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx? ... _id=115438

Fingers crossed - I'm goin' in!

OK - I'll admit it! I am absolutely fascinated by Botany! I have been reading a bunch of books, and wandering around my yard with my camera, snapping pictures of this plant and that, trying to identify them. My neighbors think I've lost my mind, but I'm having fun!

I would like to get good at following polyclave keys where I can enter information about a specific plant's parts and trace it down to its Genus and Species. I have 2 questions for those of you who are good at this: First, is there a site you can recommend for this purpose? I found this one: https://www.colby.edu/info.tech/BI211/P ... ilyID.html World Wide Flowering Plant Family Identification. It is quite extensive; I really need to practice because I get overwhelmed. Which brings me to my second question:

Is there a good site that gives detailed descriptions of the parts for plants so that I can look up one with which I am familiar and "follow along" with their description so I get used to the terminology, etc.? It takes me forever to do this now - thought I might "reverse engineer" until I get used to it.

Thanks in advance for the help.
Critter Mama

One Husband, one Bearded Dragon, one Panther Chameleon, one Labrador Retriever, and now a baby Hermann's Tortoise!

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