Table tempreatures

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Table tempreatures

Post by Andydobx » 28 Apr 2017, 11:51

We don't have a tortoise yet, hoping to get one in about a week.

We have set up our table, it's 4ft x 2ft and in our lounge. We have a 100w combi bulb, the bulb face is 30cm above "shell height". We've tried to replicate shell height by putting a couple of pebbles on top of each over placed directly under the centre of the bulb. We're measuring the temperature with a handheld IR thermometer gun. When measured on the pebbles the temp is 28 deg C, on the soil around the pebbles, so about 4cm lower, the temp is 30 deg C. Some soil further out from the centre that's a little deeper and level with the outer rim of the lamp dome, is 34/35 deg C.

When we have the central heating on the temp at the cool end is 20 deg C, measured with a probe thermometer. But, without the central heating on, with the combi bulb on, daytime temp at the cool end is nearer 16 deg C. When we are at work the central heating won't be on.

So my questions are:

1. Is the temp under the bulb OK?

2.Do we need to change anything to get the daytime cool end temp up when the central heating isn't on?

Night time temps BTW have, so far , not gone lower that 14 deg C. measured with a probe thermometer with min.max feature.

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Re: Table tempreatures

Post by Nina » 28 Apr 2017, 12:21

Hi, and congratulations first of all for doing your homework and getting set-up right before you get your tortoise (so many people don't and end up with lots of problems)!

I think you've got your temperatures about right. It's odd that at the higher level of the tops of the pebbles you are getting a lower reading, but maybe something about the pebbles is affecting that (you want the temperature of the air, not the pebbles or the soil). But basically it sounds OK, although I would say that 34C or 35C is a bit too hot, so you could raise your lamp a fraction. The temperature at the cool end is perfect, and you don't need to worry too much as there are bound to be fluctuations depending on the ambient temperature of the room (but that would happen in nature as well.
As the weather in general warms up you shouldn't have too much trouble with ambient temperatures anyway. Your nighttime temperatures are absolutely fine (there would be a night time drop in temperature in the wild too, so this is good for tortoises).

A 4' x 2' table is a good size, so you can get some nice features in there. Do you know what species you are going to get yet? If you haven't settled on a seller yet, I would definitely recommend getting a tortoise from a UK breeder. Most tortoises in pet shops are captive bred but imported from abroad, so they go through a fair amount of stress coming into this country. A tortoise from a breeder is usually healthier than ones from a pet shop, is usually cheaper, plus the after care and advice you get is usually first rate. If you give us a rough idea of where you live we might be able to point you to a breeder in your area.

In any case, let us know what species you do get and we can send you a link to a good care sheet and maybe give you advice on that particular species. It's so exciting, isn't it, preparing for the arrival of your tortoise! If you have time, do send some photos when it arrives (we never get tired of looking at photos of tortoises), and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any more questions.


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Re: Table tempreatures

Post by Andydobx » 28 Apr 2017, 12:38

Thanks Nina, We are going to get a Horsfield direct from a breeder, hopefully we can go over to choose one next weekend.

I'll try to measure the air temp using the probe thermometer.

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Re: Table tempreatures

Post by Andydobx » 28 Apr 2017, 12:39

We live in Saddleworth, just north of Manchester

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Re: Table tempreatures

Post by Nina » 28 Apr 2017, 13:04

That's great that you are getting your Horsfield from a genuine breeder! Horsfields are a burrowing species, so it's good to have a fairly deep substrate (at least 3" or 4" if you can), so that it can completely bury itself if it wants to. Here's a link to a care sheet for Horsfields.
http://www.tortoise-protection-group.or ... 014New.pdf
and if you look in our main website ... QMvfsbauM8 under the Care heading on the Menu, in the drop downs there is a section called Enclosures, and in there are articles on indoor and outdoor set-ups that might give you some more info or ideas.


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Re: Table tempreatures

Post by Andydobx » 28 Apr 2017, 13:12

We're going over to see Martin Dann in Shefield next weekend. Hopefully he'll have one we like, we've seen some photos and they look promising. But if you know any one else, as back up just in case, that would be good please?

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Re: Table tempreatures

Post by lin » 28 Apr 2017, 13:26

Oh, theres nothing wrong with Martin. Stick with him and if he cant supply you with what you want then get back to us and we will see what we can come up with.
Tell him the team at The Tortoise Table said hi. :D


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Re: Table tempreatures

Post by Andydobx » 28 Apr 2017, 13:31

That's good to know, thanks. Will do.

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Re: Table tempreatures

Post by lin » 28 Apr 2017, 14:31

Keep us posted and we are desperate for some adorable torty pics when you get home - ;)


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