Substrate query

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Substrate query

Post by Teddy28 » 28 Jun 2019, 14:17

Hi TTT ladies, I have a question, my little tort has been poorly, on anti biotics and now being treated for a high worm load. He's in a temporary (newspaper lined) enclosure until he's had his next worm treatment in 14 days (at a vets from your list) so I'm in the process of cleaning out his table, disinfecting and replacing the substrate.
Previously when I 've replaced his substrate I've been able to put it down the end of the garden under cover whereas now I have nowhere to dispose of it. What do you do with your used substrate, does it just have to go in the general rubbish bin? I've not even got any flowebeds I can easily dig it into. Thanks

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Re: Substrate query

Post by Nina » 28 Jun 2019, 18:42

Hi Pete,

I'm so sorry he's been poorly, but hopefully the treatment now wil bring him back to full health.

Re substrate -- I'm assumng that you are using a soil (soil/playsand mixture) substrate, so my advice is based on that. I put mine on the garden lower beds mainly, or in the garden waste collection from the Council. Do you have a garden waste collection? Ours is every fortnight, so grass clippings, prunings, small branches, etc. all go into a brown wheelie bin, and you aren't supposed to soil in, but everyone does, as long as it's not huge amounts. If you have a collection and you think you have too much to put in there at one time, then maybe you could keep it in a strong bag and add little bits to each collection for a month or so. I didn't think of putting it into the general rubbish bin, but actually as the general rubbish bin isn't being recycled, then maybe you could put it in there, as that just goes to landfill and substrate is really just soil so that wouldn't do any harm. If you are using something else other than a soil-based substrate, then it's a good idea to change to a soil based one, as that is better for the tortoise anyway, easy to spot clean poo and wee, etc..

Hope that helps, but do let me know if I've misunderstood or you have further questions.


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Re: Substrate query

Post by lin » 28 Jun 2019, 20:52

Butting in here - lol. Yes, poop can go into the general waste for collection the same as cats and dogs. All they usually ask is that uts double wrapped (in a bag in a bag) to avoid spillage.


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Re: Substrate query

Post by Nina » 28 Jun 2019, 21:20

I spot clean the tortoise table and save all my tortoise poo in a big plastic bucket with a lid, and then I either distribute it on the flower beds or dig it into the compost in the containers where I grow courgettes, beans, etc. Why throw away a natural fertiliser? :D


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Re: Substrate query

Post by Teddy28 » 29 Jun 2019, 12:39

Hi there my reply seems to have disappeared!!. Thanks for the advice again.
Tort is outside at the moment in the sun, seems quite happy.
I'll try digging some substrate into the borders and keep the rest as we'll be having some more borders added soon, like you say, why waste a natural fertiliser.

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Re: Substrate query

Post by Nina » 29 Jun 2019, 12:53

Is this little Tortollini that has been ill? I hope this nice sunshine speeds up his recovery! And sorry for calling you Pete in an earlier posting -- I'd just been answering a post from Peter on another thread.

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Re: Substrate query

Post by Teddy28 » 29 Jun 2019, 18:40

Hello Nina yes it's Tortollini. How nice of you to remember. He's had a day in the sunshine, it's so warm today. He seems to have enjoyed being spray-misted from a water spray bottle I use on his substrate.

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Re: Substrate query

Post by Nina » 29 Jun 2019, 20:02

How nice it is to be a tortoise in your care! I could have used a little of your spray misting myself this afternoon -- it was amazingly (and uncomfortably hot this afternoon in my garden!


Teddy28 wrote:
> Hello Nina yes it's Tortollini. How nice of you to remember. He's had a day
> in the sunshine, it's so warm today. He seems to have enjoyed being
> spray-misted from a water spray bottle I use on his substrate.

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Re: Substrate query

Post by Teddy28 » 30 Jun 2019, 09:14

Ha ha yes it was incredibly hot and with no breeze either, I too would have welcomed some spray misting He is using a temporary outdoor enclosure at present, we had to dismantle his original one prior to moving but hopefully the new outdoor enclosure project will begin soon and he'll get to use it before the end of summer. So I m looking for ideas for a super deluxe enclosure for him as we have a little more space now. His original one was 8 x 3 ft I think

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Re: Substrate query

Post by Nina » 30 Jun 2019, 10:12

Can't wait to see your deluxe outdoor enclosure! I always think they like things to walk over and under, so I have one of those large curved roofing tiles like this ... 02544.html in mine. It wasn't quite high enough for mine to walk under comfortably, so I stood it on a row of bricks on each side and also dug out the soil underneath to make the tunnel a bit deeper (you probably don't need the bricks -- just dig out under it a bit if you need to). I was originally going to have a sedum roof, but they ate it all, and then I covered it with soil and some patches of grass, but they ate that too. Have attached a photo of them sitting on top of it a few years ago, but they do regularly walk over, under and through it too.

[attachment=0]IMG_7026 (Copy).JPG[/attachment]
IMG_7026 (Copy).JPG

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Re: Substrate query

Post by Teddy28 » 30 Jun 2019, 12:49

That looks great thanks Nina, he had a roof slate balanced on bricks in his original one but kept lifting it on his back and moving it elsewhere but loved sleeping under it too. The curved roof tile looks perfect so will definitely include one of those. Will let you know once we start the build.

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