Random plants in garden

Use this forum for identification of plants and flowers found in the UK. To allow us to help provide accurate identification we need clear pictures of the whole plant, where it is growing and close up pictures of flowers, buds or seed heads if any available. It would also be useful to see pictures showing the leaf attached to the stem.
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Random plants in garden

Post by SilverWings » 21 Apr 2019, 11:15

I've got some interesting things popping up in the garden right now and I have no clue what they are!


I'd appreciate any insight!


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Re: Random plants in garden

Post by Nina » 21 Apr 2019, 17:28

Oh wow, I can't tell you how much of a help it is for you to send your photos in that way (numbered and labelled). It makes it so much easier for us to refer to them when we are replying (instead of having to say "the photo with the child's bike in the upper left-hand corner -- not the one of the plant in the photo with the child's bike in the upper right-hand corner' etc. etc. So thank you so much for taking the time to put that together!

Well, I can do most of them.
1. This is spurge, a type of euphorbia and a definite no feed, so pull it out. Here is our entry:
https://www.thetortoisetable.org.uk/pla ... LyVa6R7m9s

2. Bittercress. Here is our entry:
https://www.thetortoisetable.org.uk/pla ... LyVnqR7m9s

3. Not very sure about this one, and you might need to grow it on a bit until we can see more. Are you sure that it is trailing? Could it be an upright plant that has fallen over or been forced down by stuff that was growing over it? If it is trailing then I need to look again, as it sort of looks like young Honesty to me. Here is our entry for that, but it doesn't really have any good photos of young plants so might not be of great help to you:
https://www.thetortoisetable.org.uk/pla ... LyWKKR7m9s

4. Chickweed. Here is our entry for it:
https://www.thetortoisetable.org.uk/pla ... LyWbKR7m9s

5. There was no number five, but that's fine.

6. One of the Poppies, most probably Opium Poppy (happy dreams) or Icelandic Poppy. Our entry for most of the poppies https://www.thetortoisetable.org.uk/pla ... LyXQKR7m9s unfortunately doesn't have photos of either of them in there (make note to self to add more photos!), but the same advice applies, it's a no feed (but very pretty flowers, so if your tortoise doesn't have access to it I would leave it and let it flower, just for your enjoyment.

7. Sowthistle -- yummy! https://www.thetortoisetable.org.uk/pla ... LyZtKR7m9s But you are right in thinking that the small plant in the middle is the same as number 1 (Spurge), so pull that out and let your tortoise feast on the lovely sowthistle.

8. This is one of the Brassicas -- not sure which yet, but those little flower buds at the top should open soon as small yellow flowers with four petals each (or sometimes white). It looks a bit like a sprouting broccoli plant, but lots of the Brassicas look similar. Although it is not toxic, it contains goitrogens, which if ingested in large quantities can interfere with thyroid activity and possibly cause liver damage. Some brassicas are better than others (Kale, for example, is much better than cabbage), and I don't know yet which yours is -- maybe need to grow it on a little more, but here is our Cabbage entry which although doesn't have photos of the plant growing does have advice which applies to most brassicas: https://www.thetortoisetable.org.uk/pla ... LyYvaR7m9s Having said that, a few nibbles of a leaf, in the context of a wide and varied diet is not going to do any harm at all.

Happy Easter!


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Re: Random plants in garden

Post by SilverWings » 21 Apr 2019, 18:00

Beautiful, thank you so much! Can't believe I missed out 5 :lol:

I just double checked 3 and you're right, it isn't actually trailing, there are a few small individual plants there. What I thought was a vine from it was a particularly long grass stalk!

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Re: Random plants in garden

Post by Nina » 21 Apr 2019, 18:12

Ha, ha -- that often happens. I would let it grow on a bit and see what happens, as whatever it is I have a feeling that it isn't anything super toxic.


Keely Mc
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Re: Random plants in garden

Post by Keely Mc » 24 Apr 2019, 21:35

:D I have just joined and wantes to say thank you!! To Tortoise table when we rescued our 2 girls a 30 yr & 80 yr old the rescuer on said use TTT It is a god send and yes thanks it has been, the pics are great and being a dog walker I see so many plants and weeds and all can be picked for free, happy owner! happy girls! Stick weed is their fav and of course dandelion. A Big big thank you from us in Suffolk, UK

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Re: Random plants in garden

Post by lin » 24 Apr 2019, 22:30

Aww, you are so welcome Keely, nice words from some nice people ... Rescuing those two elderly ladies is so awsome. Congratulations to you and yours.
If you get time we would love to see their photos, do you know their species.

Dandelion may be top but I bet Sow Thistle is a close second place - :lol:


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