Peperomia pullicida?

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Peperomia pullicida?

Post by wilhelmturtletan » 03 Oct 2017, 01:01

I read the entry of Peperomia in the tortoise table , but it seems vague. Sorry. I am wondering about the plant above which is a weed in my country. I read that the plant has alkaloids in them. Are they still safe as said in the entry?

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Re: Peperomia pullicida?

Post by Nina » 19 Nov 2017, 15:26

Oh dear, we are really, really sorry, but something went wrong in our notification system and we were never notified of your post and the posts of several other people in this section of the forum.' It has been such a long time, but I hope that you will see this answer and accept our apologies!

Our entry for Peperomia on our website -- ... hGfnTdpGM8 -- has in the Latin name 'Peperomia spp.' The 'spp.' means that the advice in the entry applies to all species in the Peperomia genus, but just in case I have had another look at Peperomia pullicida for you just now, and it is true that it does contain some alkaloids and also some tannins. However, they are not in high concentrations, and I think it would be safe to feed, but in moderation or sparingly only (so an amber-green or amber-red 'traffic light' rather than a green one).

I am very glad that you have asked us the question, because we shall be looking at this plant again, and we might decided to downgrade the rating for Peperomia on our website to amber-green instead of green if we find that most of the species in this genus are the same as Peperomia pullicida (or at least make a note in the entry that Peperomia pullicida should not be fed as frequently as other species). We are always happy to revise our entries in the light of new scientific evidence, so many thanks again, and many apologies for the late answer.


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