Dead Nettle/Stinging Nettle?

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Dead Nettle/Stinging Nettle?

Post by LittlePenBigHeart » 05 Nov 2017, 15:41

If all the flowers have died off, how can you tell which it is without sticking a hand in? Husband valiantly got stung today to help check but I can't keep letting him do that. :D

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Re: Dead Nettle/Stinging Nettles

Post by Nina » 19 Nov 2017, 15:07

Hi and many, many apologies for not answering your message when it came in! For some reason our notification system on this section of the forum got turned off and we have only just seen your post this morning.
The answer is, I'm not sure what you can do. Stinging nettle leaves do look a bit different from other closely related plants, but it can be hard to tell the difference. Poor hubby! He could always take along a pair of those disposable plastic gloves and wear them. Have a look on the internet at photos of the leaves of stinging nettles and look at the leaves, and t hen do the same with Deadnettle and White Deadnettle and Hemp Nettle. This is sort of a feeble answer, so hopefully someone else will have a better idea.


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