Hibernation fridges

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Hibernation fridges

Post by Teddy28 » 30 Mar 2020, 12:25

Hi Nina and Lin,
I know it's really really early to be thinking about hibernation but I didn't hibernate Boris last winter as he was new to me so the coming winter will be my first ever attempt to hibernate a tortoise.
I'm going to need to use the fridge method and I 've been looking as beer fridges but then I noticed some reptile incubators which some people appear to use for hibernation (Lucky Reptile Herp II Nursery incubator). Smaller than a beer fridge but looks to be room for one tortoise in box.
Would be interested to know your thoughts or should I focus on a beer fridge?.
There don't appear to be many larder fridges around which don't have ice boxes any more.

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