Exterior Baby growout table

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Exterior Baby growout table

Post by KTwilliams » 29 Mar 2024, 10:36

I've been working on this for a while. It's for my baby cherry heads. It is 3m x 1m with a tent to keep humidity high, and an open air play area. I am not done planting as you can see. Everything should be tortoise safe. I am adding a 50% shade cloth over the whole top (you can see the frame for it). [attachment=0]Inside middle.jpg[/attachment][attachment=1]Inside 1.jpg[/attachment][attachment=2]Full Table.jpg[/attachment]
Inside middle.jpg
Inside 1.jpg
Full Table.jpg

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Re: Exterior Baby growout table

Post by Nina » 29 Mar 2024, 11:14

Kyle that looks fantastic! What a great job you've done, and your little cherry heads will love it -- so much interest for them, and the plants look great. Is there a little area with water so that they can drink or bathe if they choose to?

What are the temps like in Thailand now? Here we have cold and rain most days, with the sun peeking through for an hour or two occasionally. It was sunny and 15C for an hour or two the other day and I put my two outside for a little while, and they loved sitting in a patch of sunlight, but then I brought them in when their shells were beginning to feel cool. It will be quite a while before it's warm enough for them to stay out all day :(


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Re: Exterior Baby growout table

Post by KTwilliams » 29 Mar 2024, 15:45

Thanks Nina for the kind words.

I do have a couple water bowls. I might build a larger water area if I can't keep the humidity above 90.

Our temps in Thailand are in the 30's/90's during the day and high teens/low 70s high 60's at night. I have some heaters that kick on when the temp drops below 73' at night. I am keeping track of the table temps and humidity before I add the tortoises. I think there is an enough space that they can pick and choose what climate they want to be in.

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