Tiny’s new home

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Tiny’s new home

Post by Bex » 17 May 2021, 16:08

Hi guys,

As I have rehomed Speedy, my daughter had the great idea to put Tiny in the enclosure! So after a cpl hours of making it as ‘Tiny’ safe as possible I put her in :)

I’m gonna cut the grass and dig up various daisy bits and replant tortoise friendly plants I already have etc and hopefully she’ll enjoy walking around and exploring. Also means she can stay out there all summer, which will be much better for her.
There’s already lots of dandelion, bittercress and bindweed growing so I’m sure that will keep her going for now :lol:
I’m gonna get some netting just to put over the top for now and then work out a better cover, don’t want anything flying/walking off with her!

Bex x
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Re: Tiny’s new home

Post by Nina » 17 May 2021, 16:45

That was a brilliant idea, and it must be absolute heaven for her -- indoors and outdoors! Lol, her indoor accommodation is positively palatial, and she looks so happy in that grassy bit.

It's interesting, but my Doris and Dolly (Horsfields) never touched grass until about two years ago, when they suddenly decided they loved it, and now they will happily chomp away on grass for long periods of time (so you might wait and see if Tiny will do your grass mowing for you).

Have you heard how Speedy is settling in?

Nina x

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Re: Tiny’s new home

Post by Bex » 19 May 2021, 14:36


Yes I have been messaging the lady who has Speedy and the 1st couple days she was a bit grumpy, but she’s coming out of her shell now (excuse the pun :lol: )
I was busy y/day planting bits and pieces, I have divided the enclosure so that it’s not too overwhelming for Tiny and it’ll give the plants a chance to bed in, before she stomps all over them!
I had some left over wire so made a plant protector, I’m quite proud! I’m gonna make a few and dot them around etc.

Bex x

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Re: Tiny’s new home

Post by Nina » 20 May 2021, 15:25

Hi Bex,
Love your plant protector and the enclosure is looking great! I've used an upturned wire hanging basket in the past, but they aren't very tall, so yours is much better.

I once tried to grow a sedum roof on an upturned curved roofing tile when Doris was little. I put a ring of log roll around it but came home one day to find that Doris had broken through the log roll and had eaten almost all the sedum (didn't try that one again).
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Re: Tiny’s new home

Post by Bex » 26 May 2021, 16:24

Haha Nina, there so good at taking apart these things we do for them!

Over the past week, in between the rain, I have been busy making the enclosure more fun and I decided to put her old cold frame in, so she has something she knows and another safe place away from wind/rain etc!

We had lovely sun today so let her out to explore and she had a great time! Although I miss Speedy very much I have enjoyed doing this, it’s given me something to concentrate on :)

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Re: Tiny’s new home

Post by Bex » 26 May 2021, 16:28

And a few more of her adventures :)

And I made a hidey hole, dunno if the dirt/grass will stay put but fingers crossed, I’ve fenced it off so it can have a cpl weeks to settle. Hopefully it’ll stay put!

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Re: Tiny’s new home

Post by Bex » 08 Jul 2021, 15:43

Hi all, hope you are well :)

Just wanted to show off my enormous bindweed that’s grown along Tiny’s enclosure! It came up in between some paving slabs so I just poked it through and this happened 8-) also my plan worked for the hideaway, the grass has grown on the roof and around but have yet to find her in there lol!
Since being outside 24 hrs she is a different tort, she loves it and happily spends all day walking around and takes herself indoors to bed!

Bex x
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Re: Tiny’s new home

Post by Nina » 08 Jul 2021, 20:26

Hi Bex,

What brilliant photos and what a little paradise you've created for Tiny! Do be careful of that bindweed though -- Tiny could possibly use it as a ladder to climb out, but also the long tendrils can sometimes get wound around their legs or neck.
I've attached a photo showing Dolly using some plants that grew and down the wall of a raised bed as an escape route.

Isn't that always the way -- you spend ages making them a luxurious hideaway and they ignore it -- happens to me all the time. I really think you've made her a brilliant set-up -- and you should be super proud (and Tiny obviously appreciates it as she is so happy now.
Many apologies, by the way -- as I don't seem to have been notified when your last posts came in and didn't respond -- your enclosure looks superb!

Nina x
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