Is this table ok?

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Is this table ok?

Post by KirstyGT » 20 Jun 2019, 21:21

I have a 1 year old Hermann. I've attached a pic of his table set up but would welcome any feedback or suggestions of anything that would make it better or that I should have put in it?
The lamp is a combination heat and uv.

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Re: Is this table ok?

Post by Nina » 20 Jun 2019, 23:05

Hi Kirsty, and many thanks for the photos! I think your table looks really nice, and it is an interesting design with that half wall and shelter in the middle. A slight disadvantage of it is that it is very close to the heat source (and usually we put the sleeping area/shelter at the cooler end of the table). However, it means that you have created an interesting space where the tortoise cannot see directly from one end of the table to the other end, and has to walk around that little barrier to get to the far end of the table, and that is a very good thing.

Tortoises get bored easily if they uninterrupted sight lines, so I really like what you have done, and if your tortoise wants to sleep in a cooler area he can always go to the far end of the table on the other side of the wall (you could put a small shelter there (like half a plant pot on its side) if you want, but it's not necessary. Where does he tend to sleep? You could add some more rocks or plants or other 'furniture' if you want, but basically it looks like a good table to me.

Hopefully others will come on with their views, but I think you have done a good job. Can you raise and lower your lamp if you want to make it warmer or cooler in the table? Room temperature had a big effect on the temperature in a table, so being able to raise or lower a lamp can be a big advantage (although isn't always essential).


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