Painful digestion?

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Painful digestion?

Post by TortyPerson » 19 Oct 2021, 14:20

Hello everyone,

Poor Gonzales hasn't had a huge appetite since his checkup/beak trim at the vet last week so we are delivering some TLC (hand feeding) to get him eating again. Hes been pretty quiet yesterday and today but the weather has been colder so that could be a factor. Anyway he has started to eat dandelion flowers again and some cats ear leaves. Just now, as we were feeding him, there was a very loud noise from his tummy and he immediately froze, and hasn't eaten or even moved position since. Its been 5 mins. Might he have a tummy ache? He pooed in his bath this morning and it looked fine. I think I will soak him for a while to see if he poos again and then if he doesn't improve, its back to his favourite place (the vet).



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Re: Painful digestion?

Post by Nina » 19 Oct 2021, 15:03

Hi TP,

It could well be the cooler weather that has dimmed Gonzales's appetite, so you could try increasing the level of light in his table (and ensure that the temperatures are good too (about 30C directly under the light and at the height of his shell) and 20C at the cool end).

I have no idea what the loud noise from his tummy could have been! I've never heard anything like that, and I'll ask Lin to have a look at your post, in case she has any experience. What kind of noise was it -- like a rumbling, or an expulsion of gas (lol -- fart)? I just don't know. If he doesn't improve, It might be worth ringing your vet in Bray just to check. I hope he is well, and can't think of anything that could connect the beak trimming to the tumm noise.


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Re: Painful digestion?

Post by lin » 19 Oct 2021, 15:14

Hi TP.
That’s an odd one, I doubt anything from the beak trim would cause and problems with eating so I also suspect it’s the weather.
The noise could well have been wind 💨 and if it was loud it may have shocked him. Has he started to eat yet?
Have a close look around the trimmed area of beak to make sure all is ok, no redness and as Nina suggests up the light levels and keep watch for improvement over the next day or two. It probably is the time for hibernation they are starting to sense.


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Re: Painful digestion?

Post by TortyPerson » 19 Oct 2021, 15:28

Thank you for the super quick replies!
It sounded like a loud tummy growl - I don't think anything came out!! Maybe the wind stayed inside!? He did poo again when I soaked him and it looked normal. His beak looks fine. He looks a bit subdued now but walked around fine so maybe just a bit of indigestion. I'll keep an eye on him.

Thanks again!

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