Baby western Hermann's has arrived - in love!

Post your pictures and any questions here of European tortoises e.g. Ibera Spur Thigh, Ibera Graeca, Marginated, Hermanns, Kleinmanni and we include the Horsfield tortoise. Also, do add pictures of Mediterranean tortoises you have seen in the wild.
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Baby western Hermann's has arrived - in love!

Post by isabelle » 24 Jun 2020, 18:50

After my last minute enclosure questions at the weekend, we picked up our little western Hermann's today! She's from a rescue centre a few hour's drive away - they'd taken in a small breeding group after the owner died, including unhatched eggs, and she was one of those hatchlings.

I'm in love! Gave her a soak as soon as we got home and she had a drink (and a poop!) and then she happily tucked into some weeds from the garden straight away - plantain, dandelions, speedwell, clover and herb robert, and a bit of geranium flower. She ate the lot - I'm amazed she seems to relaxed so quickly, I was expecting a few days of her hiding away and not eating. So grateful for the plant guide here, thank you.

As I'm definitely going to be asking loads more questions in the months to come, only fair I share some pictures right?! Enclosure's a bit bare at the moment but I'm going to add some rocks and plants in a few days.



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Re: Baby western Hermann's has arrived - in love!

Post by Nina » 24 Jun 2020, 19:08

Isn't she absolutely gorgeous! Lol, and you've obviously fallen in love with her already. I'm so glad you're finding our website useful and please ask any and all the questions that occur to you -- that's what we're here for, and I always think that asking questions is one of the best ways to learn.

Don't forget that in hot summer temperatures (we're having a heatwave in England this week, but don't know what it's like in the South of France), little ones dehydrate quickly, and tortoises don't always readily drink on their own, so I would bathe her daily for 10 - 15 minutes in warm water that comes up to where her top shell meets the bottom shell (or her chin), in a container that she can't see out of. That will keep her hydrated and the bonus is that they usually wee and poo in the bath, so there is less to clean out in the table.

Now to the really important question -- what is her name? :)


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Re: Baby western Hermann's has arrived - in love!

Post by isabelle » 24 Jun 2020, 20:05

Thanks Nina! Good tip on the daily baths - it's very hot here (33 c and climbing!) so I'll make sure we keep on top of that.

She's yet to be named! My 3 year old wants to call her Terry or Pooshell but I'm not sold on either...haha.

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Re: Baby western Hermann's has arrived - in love!

Post by lin » 24 Jun 2020, 20:39

So adorable. Thanks for sharing.


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