Seed mix

This forum covers all aspects of tortoise diet and nutrition, including mineral and vitamin supplementation and foods appropriate for different species.
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Seed mix

Post by Zampa » 18 Apr 2019, 17:00

Hello :)

I’m looking for advice re a seed mix I could buy and grow weeds etc from. Ideally from amazon or somewhere that ships internationally - I’m on a tiny island in the Med. is the Shelled Warrior seed mix recommended?

Any advice welcome!

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Re: Seed mix

Post by Nina » 18 Apr 2019, 17:31

Yes, the Shelled Warriors mix should be fine. I've also seen this mix: ... _tortoises and the TLady mix is good (it looks expensive but it is for 100g -- which is a lot -- and you used to be able to buy smaller quantities once you get to the site).

I'm not sure, but you might encounter some problems, depending on where you live, with laws prohibiting the import of seeds. For example, I don't think that in the USA they are allowed to send seeds to the UK or Europe. I could be wrong though, and it would be interesting to let us know how you get on.


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Re: Seed mix

Post by Zampa » 18 Apr 2019, 19:16

Thank you Nina.

I’m in Gozo. I’ll try to order from UK and see what happens - I’ll let you know.

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Re: Seed mix

Post by Zampa » 18 Apr 2019, 19:44

OK, so the Chiltern seeds are being delivered. The Shelled Warriors I tried from Amazon UK, but they won't deliver here. The TTL - the link wouldn't let me order anything. When I googled, I found a site that had the the Pre-Aplin mix for sale, and a lot of seed mixes no longer available.

So I guess I'll get started with the Chiltern mix and see how it goes!

We have a lot of weeds here, but I need to learn more for confidence in identifying . . .

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Re: Seed mix

Post by lin » 18 Apr 2019, 22:08

Its good you have found somewhere to obtain the seeds but if you do find any you do not know their name then do send us in ohotos and we will do our best to identify them.
If a good quality photo is taken while still growing and a close up of the flower we can usually find out what it is.

Keep us posted and look forward to seeing some of your photos.


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Re: Seed mix

Post by Nina » 18 Apr 2019, 22:13

So glad that Chiltern came through for you. They are a nice company and I've ordered seeds (for me, not for the tortoises) before. The Pre-Alpen mix is excellent. It's not seeds, but is pelleted (or one variety comes loose) compressed meadow grasses and flowers and it is the only commercial food that I would recommend. You soak the pellets and they expand a lot as they rehydrate. I give it to my torts every now and then, like when they wake up from hibernation and there isn't much fresh food about. The Tortoise Trust also likes it and Andy Highfield said that the poos of tortoises eating Pre Alpen are the closest he has ever seen to the poos produced by tortoises in the wild.

I do envy you living in Gozo -- your climate is so much more tortoise-friendly than ours is! What species of tortoise do you keep? The only reason I ask is that different species can have different dietary requirements (for example, the Africans like Sulcata and Leopards need a diet with at least 70% grass, but the Mediterranean species have a much more varied diet (but of course no fruit), whereas some species can tolerate fruit.

Gool luck with the seeds!


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Re: Seed mix

Post by Zampa » 19 Apr 2019, 06:09

It does get very hot and humid here!

She’s a hermann’s , nearly 5. I’ve only had her a month as she eats very very little - I’m hoping it’s just because she’s new to our home. She’s been checked by the vet, she’s friendly and active, and I soak her almost every day. She was previously fed only pellets, so maybe it’ll take a while to get her used to weeds and greens.

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Re: Seed mix

Post by Nina » 19 Apr 2019, 08:28

It could well be because she is new, but it is very likely that she is just being stubborn. Tortoises fed on a diet of pellets, or 'junk food' like lettuce or fruit often refuse to eat anything else. It's a really common problem and we have an article on how to get them to eat a healthier diet: ... Ll20KR7m9s
I'm assuming that the pellets she was on are not the Pre-Alpen Testudo (they call them 'cobs' rather than pellets, but they look like huge pellets of compressed dry plant matter) because tortoises never get addicted to that, and that she was fed other commercial pellets (which are too high in protein and often have things like corn or molasses in them).

Basically what you do is to cut up the bad food (do you have any of those pellets that she was fed?) into teeny tiny pieces, and then cut up a very small quantity of the good food into teeny tiny pieces and wet them and mix them together so that they stick together a bit and when she goes for the food she likes, she accidentally gets some of the good food. Then gradually you introduce more and more of the good food into the mix (and less and less of the bad food) until in the end it is all good food. It does work, but if you don't have any of the pellets then try the cucumber method recommended, as that often works too.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.


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Re: Seed mix

Post by Zampa » 19 Apr 2019, 09:09

I have some, yes. I’ll give it a go. They’re Habistat fruit and herb flavour pellets - not even a complete food. In the first week I gave in and out then down for her once and she gobbled them up . She refuses pretty much ethg else - I’ve refused to give the pellets but I’ll try the weaning- off you suggest.

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Re: Seed mix

Post by Nina » 19 Apr 2019, 11:36

Yes, those are not good at all -- sort of the same as feeding lots of chocolate to a toddler -- they will love it, become addicted, and want to eat it all the time.
As she hasn't been having the pellets much since she has been with you, I would modify the advice in our article. Rather than starting off with lots of pellets and a small amount of good food and working your way up, I think I would moisten just a few of the pellets until they are soft and wet, and then smear a bit of them onto the good food that you want her to eat. That way she won't be eating lots of pellets but that familiar taste and smell will draw her towards the good stuff, and as soon as she seems to be eating a reasonable amount of the good stuff then reduce the amount of pellet that you use. I don't think you will have to use many, maybe only one or two, so it should be a fairly quick process.

Fingers crossed that this works for you.


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