Weed I.D

Use this forum for identification of plants and flowers found in the UK. To allow us to help provide accurate identification we need clear pictures of the whole plant, where it is growing and close up pictures of flowers, buds or seed heads if any available. It would also be useful to see pictures showing the leaf attached to the stem.
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Mrs L
Posts: 1
Joined: 01 Oct 2021, 09:42

Weed I.D

Post by Mrs L » 01 Oct 2021, 09:50

Hi, newbie here! Just wondering how I upload pics of weeds and wild flowers to help me identify them and tell me whether they are a safe feed for my leopards. Thank you 😊

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Joined: 15 Aug 2021, 11:06

Re: Weed I.D

Post by TortyPerson » 01 Oct 2021, 10:16

Hi Mrs L,

I can help you out here as I have just uploaded some photos to this board!

There are 2 tabs below the white box that you type your message into - click the Attachments one, then click Add files. This opens a window showing files on your computer and you click the photo that you want to upload and then click Open (well I am using a mac and that button might have a different name on a windows computer, but it's the one you click to go to the next step in the process). The window will close and, if the upload is successful, the new file will be displayed in the Attachments tab. If it isn't successful you will see a message telling you why it didn't work. If you want to show the photo in the white box with your text, click Place inline.

It seems that you can't upload photos that are bigger than 2.5 or 2mb - so you might need to edit the photo and make it smaller. That's what I had to do. It was just a matter of opening the photo on your computer, clicking edit from the menu, and then finding an option in the menu that will let you change the size e.g. change from 2032 x 1524 pixels to 1090 x 818 pixels. Or you can reduce the resolution. I would just experiment a bit. The only thing to remember is not to make it too small otherwise it will be hard to see the details in the photo.

Ok hope that's helpful, I am a newbie too so I hope I have got it right, but that's what I did anyway.


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Re: Weed I.D

Post by Nina » 01 Oct 2021, 18:18

Hi Mrs L., and welcome to the Forum!
And thanks so much TP for explaining how to upload folders -- it's great to have your step-by-step guide! There is also a set of instructions in the Guidelines section of this forum, and here is a link to that:
http://www.thetortoisetable.org.uk/site ... hp?f=4&t=3

If it all seems too complicated and difficult, then just send your photos to us in an email at contact@thetortoisetable.org.uk and we will upload them for you.

Also, when you're writing a message, under the box you are writing in is an Options column of little tick boxes, and if you tick the box that says 'Notify me when a reply is posted, then you will get an email when someone responds to your post. I hope that helps, and we look forward to seeing your plants.


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