Id please

Use this forum for identification of plants and flowers found in the UK. To allow us to help provide accurate identification we need clear pictures of the whole plant, where it is growing and close up pictures of flowers, buds or seed heads if any available. It would also be useful to see pictures showing the leaf attached to the stem.
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Id please

Post by Stevie » 08 May 2018, 17:12


could you tell me what these plants are please? I aren’t sure what order they have uploaded in, but I’m wondering from looking at the database if they are knapweed leaves and red valerian. I have also just bought a campanula and the leaves are identical to what I’ve posted so just to double check that it is?
Thank you :D

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Re: Id please

Post by Stevie » 08 May 2018, 17:13

Some more pics.

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Re: Id please

Post by Nina » 08 May 2018, 23:28

Hi Stevie,

Thanks for the photos. It's difficult on a couple of them to give a definite ID, and when you're sending multiple photos they do sometimes come out in a different order, so if you could possibly number them that would be great. Anyway, Lin and I have had a look and here is what we think:
Your first post:
The first photo (with the white vent in the wall showing in the background). We're not quite sure about this one. It does look like it might be a campanula, but it might be best to wait until there is a flower (which should be very soon), just to make sure.

Second photo (in the blue pot). Yes, we think this looks like Red Valerian.

Third photo (lots of leaves and also two pots behind this one, on the left and right). This does look like Knapweed leaves to us, so we think your ID is right. Again, if you want to be absolutely sure you could wait a week or two and flowers should appear, but we are pretty sure it is Knapweed.

Your second post:
First photo (plant growing out of brick pavement). Again, we think this is another Red Valerian.

Second photo -- There seem to be two plants in this black rectangular container, and we can see a label at the back which must be for the more woody stems with some yellow-green leaves or flowers coming out on them (hard to tell). But we think you are asking about the tall slender plants that are also growing out of the pot and these do look like Campanula (they should have either purple or white bell shaped flowers coming very soon as it looks like there might be some buds forming at the top of those stems).

Hope that helps, and if you still aren't sure then just wait a week or two until there are buds and/or flowers on them and we'll have another look.


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Re: Id please

Post by Stevie » 19 May 2018, 09:00

Hi Nina

Thank you for your reply- sorry it’s taken me so long to reply, it’s been a hectic week!
I think I’ll do what you suggested and wait for them to flower just to be sure.
The woody one in the square pot is a hibiscus but I think the pot is too small so needs planting somewhere but have run out of room! Lol. Also other plants have taken root in the pot and I don’t like getting rid of anything in case they are safe plants.
Thanks again for your reply and have a good weekend.

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Re: Id please

Post by Nina » 19 May 2018, 09:14

Ooh, that's interesting. I said to Lin when we were trying to ID your plants that the woody plant in the square box looked a lot like my Hibiscus 'Bluebird' when it is just coming into leaf, but there was so little of it, and also we assumed that you were asking for an ID for another plant that I didn't mention it. If you pull the weeds out of that square box and add some fertiliser (any good plant fertiliser, and preferably a slow release one), it should grow quite happily in that pot for ages. I have one that I have sort of made into a bonsai, so it's growing in a very small pot, and it grows fine, but you do need to remember to water and feed it.

Do send us photos of the flowers of the other plants when they come.


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Re: Id please

Post by lin » 19 May 2018, 09:46

Hi Stevie.
I have just relooked at the other plant in the square pot, the green one with the strappy leaves and now realise it is Salsify and fine for the tortoise diet. ... nt=435&c=6


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Re: Id please

Post by Stevie » 22 May 2018, 16:15

Hi Nina and Lin

Nina, thank you for the info about my hibiscus- are the slow release fertiliser ok if I want to feed to hibiscus to the torts? I’ve just sort of left it and it definitely needs some tlc. Tbh I thought it was half dead :oops: but thank you for that :)

Lin, thank you for the info on the salsify, at least it’s tortoise safe!!

Thanks again :)

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Re: Id please

Post by Stevie » 22 May 2018, 16:16

Ps. Yes, I will post pictures when the others have bloomed. The red valerian is nearly there!

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