Tortoise pellets

This forum covers all aspects of tortoise diet and nutrition, including mineral and vitamin supplementation and foods appropriate for different species.
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Tortoise pellets

Post by Amber10 » 26 Mar 2021, 16:23

Hello I'm just wondering why they make tortoise pellets to eat because everywhere I read it doesn't recommend them.
I'm not sure to buy them or not
Thank you 🙂

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Re: Tortoise pellets

Post by Nina » 27 Mar 2021, 14:31

Hi Amber,

Some of the pellets nowadays are better than the old ones, but mainly they tend to be a bit too high in protein (tortoises need a low protein/high fibre diet), and have things in them that tortoises would not normally eat (like corn and soy). There are some that are better now though, but if you can feed a fresh diet then that is always best.

Still it's always good to have something on hand if fresh food isn't available, and there is one commercial food that we would recommend. It is called Pre-Alpin Testudo, and it is made from dried meadow grasses and alpine flowers with nothing else added. And it's been observed that the poos of tortoises fed this are just like the poos of tortoises in the wild, so that is a good recommendation. You can buy it in varous places, but the Shelled Warrior's Shop sells them. They come either loose or in big pellets called 'cobs', and you soak them in warm water for a bit and they rehydrate and expand enormously. Here's a link to the page where they are sold: ... -261-c.asp If you want some, I would get the smallest size because they last a long time.


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Joined: 21 Mar 2021, 09:42

Re: Tortoise pellets

Post by Amber10 » 27 Mar 2021, 18:37

Thank you we will have a look on shelled warrior it is a good site we were recommended to have a look on there for some seeds so will definitely have a look for the pre-Alpin testudo to.

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