Hibernation update....

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Hibernation update....

Post by Emma25 » 10 Dec 2023, 08:05

Hello Nina/Everyone,

We transferred Penny to the fridge earlier this morning.

All limbs, and her head were visible, her eyes were shut and her leg moved slightly (which did reassure me!) We weighed her and she was the same weight as when she went in her box, and no signs of having had a wee either. Safe to say I think she is taking to hibernation much better than we are :) and its such a contrast to last year when she wouldn't settle and tried to break out of her box.

We are going to open her fridge door daily and "waft" it a bit but we wondered if there was a recommended period of time that you do this for, a few seconds, couple of minutes etc?

Thank you for all the invaluable advice that you have given us, I do feel slightly calmer she is now in the fridge!

Many Thanks

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Re: Hibernation update....

Post by Nina » 10 Dec 2023, 09:49

Hi Emma,

It's great to know that Penny is settling into her hibernation better than she did last time (they do like to keep us on our toes -- and anxious and stressed -- I think). Re opening the door -- just wafting it for 10 or 15 seconds is fine -- you just want a bit of an exchange of air, and I think that if you happened to miss a day don't panic, as their oxygen needs are lower when they're in hibernation anyway, so missing a day would do no harm.

Hope you and your family have a really lovely Christmas (and don't forget that on Christmas morning you must open the door of the fridge and sing 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas' to Penny)!


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Re: Hibernation update....

Post by Emma25 » 10 Dec 2023, 13:29

Hi Nina,

Thank you, and yes we will be sure to sing to her :lol: :lol:

Merry Christmas to you and your family and everybody at The Tortoise Table!

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