Brand New Owners

Use this forum to discuss general questions about any aspects of tortoise care.
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Brand New Owners

Post by Peanut_1972 » 03 Aug 2023, 19:47

Hi all,

My wife and I are now the proud owner of an 18 month (approx) Horsfield called "Cobbles".

Never owned a tortoise before, and as such done loads of research, maybe too much googling. However, any new owner tips or advice would be hugely appreciated.

We have a cam set up on his table, so we can monitor him for a while, and he is active. Not sure on how much he is eating, seems plenty but have no baseline.

Looking for advice on;
Enclosure setup
Getting him settled in.. should he be left to settle in his table, should we be handling him, letting him roam around the living room?

Thanks for any replies :D

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Re: Brand New Owners

Post by lin » 03 Aug 2023, 22:28

Hi Peanut (it would be good if we knew your real name, and please don’t say peanut or I will be so embarrassed. Welcome and congratulations on your new Horsfield and well done for only using one ‘e’.
You might get some tips from this caresheet and if you go through the menus at the top of this website we have some useful information and if there is anything in particular you would like to know you can just ask here or on our Facebook page. Link is below.

Regarding diet, you can use the database on here (actually it’s quite famous really, we have people all over the world using it including vets, zoos and petshops)
If you go to the database and open one of the categories you will see a section at the top that is for filtering the database into any of the options as shown. Just untick the ones that you don’t want to see and it will only show you the plants you would like to view/ For example,if the green and amber boxes are ticked you will be able to only see plants that are edible in different amounts.
And again if you have a plant in your garden that you don’t know if it’s safe or not, just take a snap if it, not too far away, and send it here where we can identify it and let you know about feeding it.

In the drop down menu at the top of the page you will find a heading titled Care,and in there you will find ideas on both indoor and outdoor setups depending on what you have space wise.

I won’t bore you anymore Peanut except to say - show us a photo and tell us your new tortoises name.

https://www.tortoise-protection-group.o ... 014New.pdf

Settling in. He seems to be doing fine. I wouldn’t let a tortoise wander around the house because there are hidden dangers like eating the thread of the carpet, biting wires and plenty more.


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