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Sharing space

Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 14:06
by Heather
Hi all,

My Achillea has free range of my cottage, & knows where to find her UV lamp. Before bed time, we always check where she has chosen to sleep - she has several preferred places, but I need to be sure she's not in a draft, or other place where she might get overly chilled. Her indoor life doesn't really reflect a natural lifestyle, but does give her plenty of space, & in warm weather she has her own adjoining outdoor secure garden area, & I have a plentiful supply of weeds on the doorstep. She especially likes evening primrose flowers, pansies & various types of sow thistle - she has the flowers & my turtles eat the larger leaves with relish.

She does have a problem though....a rival for the warmth under her UV lamp.....

Re: Sharing space

Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 17:27
by Nina
What a wonderful life Achillea lives (and ! And she and your cat (what's his name by the way) seem to be enjoying their cuddle. Lin has loads of cats, and I think they formed good relationships with her tortoises too. She's looking after grandchildren today, but I'm sure she'll come on later and I know she'll love that photo.

I was just thinking back to when we first corresponded with you -- Achillea was still Achilles because she hadn't started laying eggs and therefore revealing her sex. And I remember you telling us how she had this little tray. surrounded by pebbles, under her UVB lamp, next to your woodburning stove, but I'd never seen a photo of it, so was really glad to see this one, and her little nook is so cozy. In the 1970s, I knew an old lady who was in her 90s and had been given an old tortoise when she was about 8, in 1910, I think (so that tortoise was well over 100 years old). She lived in an ancient, tiny cottage in Dorchester near Oxford, and the tortoise had the run of her little garden in the summer. In the winter he came indoors and nestled down on the hearth in front of the little open fireplace in her cottage and spent the winter months there, occasionally going for a bit of a wander and a nibble, but mainly just cozying up in front of the warmest place in the house (no central heating), and he was a healthy and beautiful tortoise. Seeing Achillea and the woodburning stove brought all those memories back, so thanks!


Re: Sharing space

Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 18:12
by lin
Thats cute.
I have one like that as well.

[attachment=0]Baby and tortoise_LR.jpg[/attachment]

Re: Sharing space

Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 12:57
by Heather
That's lovely Lin!

I will now try to post another photo that amuses me! Toto was cleaning up Cleo's bowl, & someone joined in! I dropped the cucumber onto the tray to create a phot-op! Quite why the photo has loaded sideways I have no idea - it is upright in my docs!

Re: Sharing space

Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 16:45
by lin
:lol: :lol: :lol: They just like to be in on the action.
Thanks Heather.
