Sharp edges of shell

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Sharp edges of shell

Post by Emma&Kimchi » 28 Apr 2024, 12:19

Dear Nina and Lin,

Kimchi, my 4yo Horsfield tortoise, has some sharp edges at the front and back end of his shell. I think they are longstanding (I adopted him in November) but starting to wonder if they are of concern. Please could you advise me if this is a normal phenomenon, and if so, should they ever be shaved down (by a vet)? Thank you very much - see pics below.

Best wishes

P.S. he's never cut himself or been irritated by the edges as far as I can tell - they aren't directly making contact/rubbing his skin.

[attachment=0]IMG_6567 Small.jpeg[/attachment][attachment=1]IMG_6566 Small.jpeg[/attachment][attachment=2]IMG_6565 Small.jpeg[/attachment]
IMG_6567 Small.jpeg
IMG_6567 Small.jpeg (42.25 KiB) Viewed 1180 times
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IMG_6566 Small.jpeg (46.65 KiB) Viewed 1180 times
IMG_6565 Small.jpeg
IMG_6565 Small.jpeg (39.47 KiB) Viewed 1180 times

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Re: Sharp edges of shell

Post by Emma&Kimchi » 28 Apr 2024, 12:39

[attachment=0]IMG_6569 Small.jpeg[/attachment]

Photo of the tail end that I meant to attach as well!
IMG_6569 Small.jpeg
IMG_6569 Small.jpeg (44.21 KiB) Viewed 1175 times

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Re: Sharp edges of shell

Post by Nina » 28 Apr 2024, 13:09

Hi Emma,

I see what you mean -- those little pointed bits that stick out. I checked my two and they don't have such pointed bits (they have a tiny protrusion but it's rounded off).

I would say that if you can't see any evidence that the sharp edge is rubbing on skin (head, neck) then I would leave it, but if it does seem to be rubbing then it would easily be filed down a bit. It would only be a very tiny bit -- just to take that pointed end down a tiny bit, and you could probably do it yourself (or if you're nervous about it then a vet could easily file it down a tiny bit with a dremel or something similar).

I've seen other tortoises where the shell has grown in such a way that it is irritating the skin by rubbing against it, and another method is to put a bit of micropore tape on that end, if it scratching the shell, and that can help. When you see edges of shell that are transparent, that is new shell and can pretty safely be filed down a bit, but when the shell is coloured it can mean that there is bone underneath so you need to be cautious.


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Re: Sharp edges of shell

Post by Nina » 28 Apr 2024, 13:15

Hi again, Emma. Sorry, I didn't see your P.S. when I wrote my message! If the sharp edges aren't rubbing or irritating him at all then I would leave them alone, and he will be fine. Sorry for all the advice about filing down -- if the sharp edges aren't bothering him then it's best to not interfere.


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Re: Sharp edges of shell

Post by Emma&Kimchi » 28 Apr 2024, 13:19

Thanks Nina, that's really helpful!! I will keep a close eye on it to make sure it doesnt start causing irritation.

I'm really hoping to ensure his shell growth is good and he doesnt develop metabolic bone disease - he already had a bit of pyramiding when I adopted him so it is a worry.

Thanks again for sharing your expertise!


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Re: Sharp edges of shell

Post by Stevievee » 02 May 2024, 10:42

Hi Emma,

Titus has a very similar shell to Kimchi, also with these sharp bits near his neck. He also seems fine and doesn't seem to be bothered or irritated by them. Never thought about filing them down. Don't think I'll risk it though, as long as he doesn't seem bothered.


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