Left eye slightly puffy, IS NOT CLOSED COMPLETELY

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Left eye slightly puffy, IS NOT CLOSED COMPLETELY

Post by TortugaViking » 25 Apr 2019, 15:15

**New here**

Hello all,
I have a 1 year old horsefield tortoise which I took home with me yesterday,
I first saw her with a slightly puffy eye compared to the other, the lady working there said it may be a little dirt caught in there.
She was in the same vivarium as another (same breed tortoise)
I have bathed her for around 10minutes this morning in Luke warm water. She is alert, moving around happily, pooping and peeing, basking the majority of the day.
Her eye isn't completely shut but does appear puffy, I've been advised to wipe with a cold black tea bag, has anyone used this method before?
I will clean her eye again with cooled boiled water before her bed time and If the problem persists, I will arrange a trip to the vets, i was just hoping i could fix at home, any advice would be great,
I've had her for 2 days now.
Also, I havent seen her eat yet and have been here all day (without her seeing me) I'm thinking it could be the stress of her new surroundings?
Thank you

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Re: Left eye slightly puffy, IS NOT CLOSED COMPLETELY

Post by Nina » 25 Apr 2019, 18:44

Hi TortugaViking and welcome to The Tortoise Table -- and many congratulations in getting your new Horsfield tortoise (no 'e' in Horsfield though, as the species is named after a 19th Century naturalist called Thomas Horsfield -- but don't worry as everyone makes that same mistake).

It could well be that there is a bit of grit in your tortoise's eye, and I would advise giving it a day or two more and treating it with a product that you can buy at any chemist called 'Artifical Tears'. It contains hypromellose, and if you ask the chemist for the artificial tears that contains hypromellose he can guide you to the right place.

If the problem doesn't clear up a couple of days then do take her to a vet, and take a fresh sample of poo, if you can get one -- and you can keep it in a sealed container in the fridge overnight if necessary -- so that he can test her for parasites while you are there. Worms are common and can be easily treated, and if you are going anyway than it's a good idea to do the test (but probably not essential if you aren't going anyway).

Do you have a good reptile/exotics vet? This is very important, as ordinary vets do not have extensive training in reptiles and other 'exotics'. We have a list on our website of recommended vet practices for tortoises in the UK, arranged according to county or area:
https://www.thetortoisetable.org.uk/tor ... MHxHaR7m9s
and if you can't find one there let us know and we will see if we can find one reasonably near you.

You probably already have one, but if not, here is a good care sheet for Horsfields
https://www.tortoise-protection-group.o ... 014New.pdf

Good luck and I hope the problem clears up quickly!


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Re: Left eye slightly puffy, IS NOT CLOSED COMPLETELY

Post by TortugaViking » 27 Apr 2019, 10:36

Thank you for your reply and your help,
I do have a vet that looks at reptiles nearby, I'll look into those eye drops too,
And thanks for the correction, Horsfield :D

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Re: Left eye slightly puffy, IS NOT CLOSED COMPLETELY

Post by Nina » 27 Apr 2019, 10:43

I do hope that it is only something minor and that your tort is back to normal really soon (and let us know how you get on). Also, if your vet is really good with reptiles and isn't already on our list then do let us know and we will consider adding them.


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