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Jacaranda (Blue Jacaranda, Black Poui, Fern Tree, Carob Tree)

 Safe to Feed
  • Common Name: Jacaranda (Blue Jacaranda, Black Poui, Fern Tree, Carob Tree)
  • Latin Name: Jacaranda spp.; esp. J. mimosifolia
  • Family Name: Bignoniaceae
The flowers of this handsome tree, with its fern-like foliage and spectacular floral displays are safe to feed, and are said to be favourites of Red-foot and Yellow-foot tortoises in their native habitat.

Some members of the Bignoniaceae family have toxic properties in their leaves and roots, and we know that the leaves of Jacaranda contain some tannins and saponins (although not in large quantities).  We therefore advise erring on the side of caution and feeding the flowers only (although if you have a tree in your garden and your tortoise happens to nibble some leaves, there is no cause for alarm).
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