Phacelia, (Scorpion Weed, Tansy Leaved Phacelia, Scorpionweed, Wild Heliotrope, Fiddleneck, Lacy Phacelia, California Bluebell)

- Common Name: Phacelia, (Scorpion Weed, Tansy Leaved Phacelia, Scorpionweed, Wild Heliotrope, Fiddleneck, Lacy Phacelia, California Bluebell)
- Latin Name: Phacelia spp., esp. P. tenacetifolia, P. campanularia
- Family Name: Boraginaceae
Although it appears that most species of Phacelia are not toxic if ingested, some species (which can appear similar) can cause severe dermatitis due to the hairs covering the plant, and the effects are said to be similar to that of Poison Ivy.
We can find no research into the effects of Phacelia on the internal organs of tortoises if ingested, but we feel that because the various species look so similar to each other, it is probably best to err on the side of caution and not to feed.