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Callisia (Creeping Inch Plant, Inch Plant, Chain Plant, Turtle Vine)

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  • Common Name: Callisia (Creeping Inch Plant, Inch Plant, Chain Plant, Turtle Vine)
  • Latin Name: Callisia spp. esp. Callisia repens, syn. Tradescantia minima; Callisia fragrans
  • Family Name: Commelinaceae
Although Callisia repens and Callisia fragrans have been known to cause a red itchy rash on the skin of dogs and cats, there is no evidence that it has this effect on reptiles.  This is a relatively safe plant to offer to your tortoise, and although it does contain some calcium oxalate crystals, we feel that it is safe to offer in moderation.  

Grown as a garden plant in the UK, but in some countries it is found growing in the wild.

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