Traveller's Joy (Old Mans Beard, Old Man's Beard, Wild Clematis, Travellers Joy)

- Common Name: Traveller's Joy (Old Mans Beard, Old Man's Beard, Wild Clematis, Travellers Joy)
- Latin Name: Clematis vitalba
- Family Name: Ranunculaceae
This is the wild, native cousin of the cultivated Clematis that we are familiar with in our gardens. It is part of the Buttercup family of plants, and all parts are poisonous, containing the mild toxin, protoanemonine, which can cause convulsions and paralysis if eaten in large quantities. It is therefore best to avoid feeding Traveller's Joy to your tortoise, although if you find the odd leaf has been nibbled there is no cause for concern.
See also Clematis.
See also Clematis.