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Tropaeolum (Nasturtium, Indian Cress, Canary Creeper, Three-coloured Indian Cress, Flame Flower)

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  • Common Name: Tropaeolum (Nasturtium, Indian Cress, Canary Creeper, Three-coloured Indian Cress, Flame Flower)
  • Latin Name: Tropaeolum spp., esp. T. tricolor, T. brachyceras, T. speciosum, T. peregrinum (syn. T. aduncum/T. canariense)
  • Family Name: Tropaeolaceae
There are no significant hazards relating to Tropaeolum, the exotic cousin of our garden Nasturtium. 

Some species contain oxalates, but they should be fine to offer in moderation in the tortoise diet.  These lovely plants are often grown indoors in the UK and can be found in a variety of colours including red, yellow and purple.  See also Nasturtium.

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