Creeping Yellowcress (Creeping Yellow Cress, Yellow Fieldcress, Keek)
Feed in Moderation
- Common Name: Creeping Yellowcress (Creeping Yellow Cress, Yellow Fieldcress, Keek)
- Latin Name: Rorippa sylvestris
- Family Name: Brassicaceae
Growing up to 60cm high, this close relative of the Watercress and other members of the Brassica family can be found growing in arable fields, waste ground, ditches and river banks. It has a dense and large creeping rootstock that puts out runners and can become invasive. Like many of the other Rorippa species, the Creeping Yellowcress has a peppery taste and can be fed to your tortoise in moderation.
Please be aware that two or more goitrogenic plants should not be fed in conjunction with each other, and the sum total of goitrogenic foods should not exceed the guideline for a single plant of 'in moderation' (amber-green) or 'sparingly' (amber-red). This will ensure that goitrogenic consumption stays within safe limits.
Please be aware that two or more goitrogenic plants should not be fed in conjunction with each other, and the sum total of goitrogenic foods should not exceed the guideline for a single plant of 'in moderation' (amber-green) or 'sparingly' (amber-red). This will ensure that goitrogenic consumption stays within safe limits.