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Persian Buttercup (Turban Buttercup, Ranunculus, Persian Crowfoot)

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  • Common Name: Persian Buttercup (Turban Buttercup, Ranunculus, Persian Crowfoot)
  • Latin Name: Ranunculus asiaticus
  • Family Name: Ranunculaceae
The Persian Buttercup is grown from corms and cultivated as an ornamental flower for the garden.  Like other members of the Buttercup family, all parts of this plant contain the glycoside ranunculin, which is broken down into the toxin protoanemonin when the plant is damaged in any way.  It is toxic to livestock and other mammals, and could cause severe blistering of the mucus membranes and digestive tract, bloody diarrhoea, and excessive salivation. 

Although some species of tortoise are known to eat some species of the Buttercup family in the wild, this is certainly not one to risk in the tortoise enclosure or diet.
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