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Couch Grass (Quick Grass, Dog Grass, Witch Grass, Quack Grass)

 Safe to Feed
  • Common Name: Couch Grass (Quick Grass, Dog Grass, Witch Grass, Quack Grass)
  • Latin Name: Elymus repens, syn. Elytrigia repens; Agropyron repens; Triticum repens
  • Family Name: Poaceae/Gramineae
There is no reason why a small clump or two of Couch Grass cannot be grown in the tortoise enclosure (and it would be appealing to the grass-eating species), but please be aware that it is a pernicious weed and can quickly invade large areas if not kept in check.

In the USA and Australia, Bermuda Grass (Cynodon dactylon) is often called Couch Grass, so do not confuse the common names.
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