Walnut tree (Black Walnut, White Walnut, Butternut, Common Walnut, English Walnut)

- Common Name: Walnut tree (Black Walnut, White Walnut, Butternut, Common Walnut, English Walnut)
- Latin Name: Juglans spp.
- Family Name: Juglandaceae
All parts of the Walnut Tree are TOXIC, containing Juglone, a compound that is harmful to livestock and surrounding plants and causes laminitis in horses that walk on the leaf litter, sawdust or wood chips from the Walnut.
Although all types of Walnut have some level of Juglone, the Black Walnut has by far the highest levels, and although a small nibble of a leaf from a White or other species of Walnut might not be harmful to your tortoise, many walnut trees are grafted onto Black Walnut stock and therefore ALL should be avoided.
Walnut trees also contain tannins and Plumbagin, which has been shown to cause severe blistering and vomiting in humans. If there is a Walnut tree in the vicinity of the tortoise enclosure it would be wise to cover the enclosure to prevent leaves blowing in.
Although all types of Walnut have some level of Juglone, the Black Walnut has by far the highest levels, and although a small nibble of a leaf from a White or other species of Walnut might not be harmful to your tortoise, many walnut trees are grafted onto Black Walnut stock and therefore ALL should be avoided.
Walnut trees also contain tannins and Plumbagin, which has been shown to cause severe blistering and vomiting in humans. If there is a Walnut tree in the vicinity of the tortoise enclosure it would be wise to cover the enclosure to prevent leaves blowing in.