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Water Chestnut (Water Caltrop, European Water Chestnut, Jesuit Nut)

 Do not Feed
  • Common Name: Water Chestnut (Water Caltrop, European Water Chestnut, Jesuit Nut)
  • Latin Name: Trapa natans; Trapa bispinosa
  • Family Name: Trapaceae

With its distinctive triangular toothed leaves, these aquatic plants are invasive and the seeds contain a toxin that is only destroyed with cooking.  Although the plant is eaten by humans in many parts of the world, we have seen no research that indicates it is suitable to feed to tortoises or turtles, and so until further research is done The Tortoise Table recommends that it is not fed to them. 

Do not confuse with the Water Chestnut that is commonly used in Chinese cooking, which is the tuber of another aquatic plant (Eleocharis dulcis and Eleocharis tuberosa).

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